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Somehow SinB fell asleep in under 2 minutes. Yerin just stared at the girls facial features. Yerin found SinB really pretty, prettier than most girls.

SinB began mumbling in her sleep but Yerin didn't mind. She couldn't even tell what the girl was saying. Yerin was a little startled when SinBs eyes opened very quickly.

"What time is it?" SinB groaned.

"You've only been sleeping for an hour"

"What have you been doing?"

"Watching you. My family is coming over today so you can leave if you want but you're welcomed to stay and meet them"

"Sure. I'd love to meet your family"

"Great because they will be here in 5 minutes along with my dad. My mom just got home"

"Oh. She hasn't seen me yet has she? Oh my god she doesn't even know I'm here. What will she think? What if she thinks I've been hiding in your room?"

"You're fine SinB. Don't worry about it"

"What if she slaps me? What if I get scolded by her in front of your family?"
Suddenly SinB could feel a hand tighten around hers.

"Don't stress about it. You'll be fine. Trust me okay?"


"You promise you'll trust me right?"

"I promise I'll trust you" Yerin took her hand off of SinBs. Once again, SinB felt empty now. SinB and Yerin were now laying down on Yerins bed, staring into each other's eyes.

"Yerin! It's been so..." the door burst open.

"Oh I didn't mean to interrupt whatever you guys were doing" The girl spoke.

"Oh it's fine. We were just talking" SinB could hear a whole bunch of footsteps coming towards Yerins room. That only meant one thing, Yerins family was about to enter her room. SinB never felt so nervous.

"Yerin I'm-who is this girl?"

"Mom, this is my friend SinB, SinB this is my mother, Mrs. Jung" another woman came into the room.

"It's very nice to meet you Mrs. Jung" SinB bowed and held out her hand for Mrs. Jung to shake.


"Natsume!" Yerin and the male hugged each other. Of course SinB was jealous. How could she not be?

"It's been so long" he said.

"Yes it has. The last time we saw each other was when we were like 15" Yerin pulled away.

"You've gotten prettier"

"And you've gotten more handsome and charming"

"The rest of the family is downstairs. We brought our dark curtains so you can go downstairs without having to wrap a blanket around you"

"Thank you so much! I keep telling mom to buy them but she says she doesn't have the time nor the money"

"Let's go downstairs, my dad brought food" the male grabbed Yerins hand and brought her downstairs. The rest of the family followed them downstairs while SinB just sat on the bed frozen and filled with anger. She was definitely jealous, maybe a little to jealous.

SinB could hear Yerin and that male laughing a lot. SinB decided to go downstairs which wasn't the greatest decision. SinB watched from afar as Yerin and the male flirted. They were being very touchy too which SinB hated.

"What are you watching?" Some random girl leaned against the wall next to SinB.

"Nothing. Just observing" SinB replied.

"Observing anything specific?"

"Nope. Just observing whatever I feel like"

"Sounds interesting. May I join you?"

"Sure. Do whatever you'd like"

"So I heard you and Yerin are friends"

"I guess..."

"So how'd you meet? She never goes outside of this house"

"It's complicated and I don't feel like explaining"

"That's fine. I don't mind" the 4 seconds that SinB turned away Yerin looked at her. She was smiling but slightly frowned when she saw SinB looking so sad.

"Natsume! Give it back!" SinB looked over to see what was happening. Natsume was holding Yerins cake in the air and laughed as Yerin kept reaching for it. They were both on their tip toes and barley an inch apart. Their faces were so close. Could SinB handle seeing this?

Suddenly the man pecked Yerin on the forehead before giving the cake back to her. Yerins cheeks were so red. She was blushing.

'She's blushing!' SinB tried her best to keep her thoughts to herself.

As the night went on it got quieter. The family was finally starting to calm down. They were being so loud early. 2 males were drunk and asleep on the couch and 1 female was tipsy but she was able to keep herself together.

A lot of people were drunk and they kept stumbling. Yerin and Natsume basically talked and flirted the whole time and Mr. and Mrs. Jung sticked together the whole time like glue.

SinB even caught some people making out around corners of the house. Even when she was going to the bathroom there was a couple that was making out in there. SinB almost puked.

She sat back down and watched Yerin and Natsume from afar. SinB couldn't get over how touchy they were being. It annoyed her so much. Then SinB was finally done when she heard the words she didn't want to hear come out of Natsumes mouth.

"Yerin-ah will you go out on a date with me? Even if it's just a date inside here?"
But what really made SinB loose it was Yerins next words.

"Yes! I'd love to!" Suddenly she kissed him on the cheek and he did the same to her. SinB was overwhelmed with jealousy. She marched upstairs and grabbed her stuff.

She marched back downstairs with her cold aura so people wouldn't come near her. Yerin watched her walk out the door.

"Natsume I'll be right back okay? Stay here" Yerin slipped her shoes on and went outside. It was already dark outside so she didn't need anything to protect her from the light.

"SinB! SinB-ah!" SinB could hear Yerin but decided to ignore her. That was until she felt someone grip onto her arm.

"SinB where are you going?"

"I...I need to go home. My mom needs me" SinB lied. SinB really just wanted to pull away from her and yell "don't touch me!" But she didn't want to hurt Yerins feelings.

"Oh...come back soon okay?"

"I'll...I'll try" SinB turned away before she started crying. Yerin turned around and walked back to the house ever so joyful while SinB walked home crying in the cold weather.

 Yerin turned around and walked back to the house ever so joyful while SinB walked home crying in the cold weather

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