Not one-sided?

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"How was the date? Tell me everything! Give me all the details!" Eunha demanded.

"I wouldn't even call it a date"

"Why? What happened?"

"Nothing. We just went to the amusement park to have fun"

"That sounds like a date to me"

"Yeah well it wasn't" SinB and Eunha argued.

At lunch Sowon joined SinB and her friends. All the students in the cafeteria were whispering about them. Most of the whispers were about why Sowon would hang out with people like SinB, Yuju, and Eunha.

"Hi friends" Sowon looked at Yuju and Eunha.
"Friends? We're your friends?" Eunhas jaw dropped while Yuju felt like she could pass out right there.

"Yeah. SinBs friends are my friends" Sowon glanced at SinB while smiling at her friends.

"Are you joining us for lunch?" SinB asked.

"Would you like me to?"

"I don't mind" SinB was starting to warm up to Sowon.

"Great. Would you like to go on another date today?"

"No. We can go on another one on Friday though"

"But its only Monday, I can't wait that long" Sowon pouted.

"That's to bad" Yuju and Eunha stared at the cute couple in front of them.

After school Yuju and Eunha came over to SinBs house to study, also for the great food that SinBs mother cooks.

"Hello Mrs. Hwang!" Both Yuju and Eunha bowed.

"Hello Eunha and Yuju. Are you guys here to study with SinB?"

"Yes but we're also here for your great food!" Eunha and Yuju said in unison.

"Thank you. SinB never compliments my cooking" Mrs. Hwang pouted.

"Well that's probably because you never compliment me" SinB chimed in.

"Yah! I do too"

"Sure. We'll be in my room. Tell me when dinner is done" Yuju and Eunha followed SinB upstairs and into her room.

"You still haven't cleaned your room SinB?!" Eunha looked at the clutter.

"It's not even that messy you clean freak" Yuju defended SinB. It wasn't really defending since it was true, SinBs room wasn't even that messy it's just that Eunha can be a clean freak at times.

"Are you guys blind?" Eunha said while she began cleaning up her room.

"I cleaned it last week but it's already a mess again. I only cleaned it because Sowon was over though"

"It seems to me that you're warming up to Sowon" Yuju smirked.

"Not even close" SinB replied.

"Have you guys seen the younger Kim sister around? Umji?" Eunha asked.

"Yeah she's in my 3rd period" Yuju responded.

"Oh you have a class with her?!" Eunhas mouth formed into an 'o'.

"SinB! Someone is here to see you" SinB heard her mother calling her name.

"Stay here guys" SinB went downstairs to see who it was. Of course it had to be Sowon.

"Sowon? What are you doing here?" SinB asked.

"I came to study with you. I hope you don't mind" Sowon bowed her head.

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