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It was just another sunny day for SinB. SinB never liked the morning because it meant she had to go to school. She was never one to like school, well most people don't. Some people do though.

She too has a daily morning routine like most people. Every morning she takes a shower and gets dressed. She wears little to no make up because she already looks like a goddess. It really only takes her like 25-30 minutes to get ready.

After getting ready she eats either toast and eggs or cereal. She collects all her school stuff and puts it in her bag and then heads out to catch the bus. She was never late to the bus stop. Throughout all her school years she never missed the bus. Not even when she accidentally slept in because her alarm didn't go off.

SinB isn't popular like most people would think because of her beauty. She was actually the opposite. Nobody knew she even existed. Even the teachers forgot she was there. Maybe it's because she was always quiet.

SinB didn't get good grades but she didn't get bad grades either, well actually she kind of did. She's in the below average category.

SinB never thought she had talents but that's because she never tried anything.
Although one of her talents is playing the guitar. She was phenomenal. Her parents never excepted her playing the guitar. They always said it won't get her anywhere in life and it won't make her any money but SinB never cared for the money.

It was always hard to entertain SinB. She always got bored so easily. Most days she sits in her room quietly practicing the guitar so her parents won't hear her.

SinB always envied the Kim sisters aka Kim Sojung and Kim Yewon. SinB always wished she could be as tall and not gain weight like Kim Sojung. She wished she could be smart like Kim Yewon and have the ability to speak english well.

But she knows she'll never be like them. The Kim sisters are popular and SinB is just...SinB, another human living on the planet we call Earth.

SinB wasn't really interested in popularity though. She was more interested in music. She loved listening to music but she also loved making music. Music is a part of her life.

She didn't come from a poor family but she didn't come from a rich one either. She was just a little less than average. Her mother is a doctor and her father works night shift at a restaurant, well restaurant as in a small noodle shop.

SinB doesn't have much friends besides Eunha and Yuju. Eunha is team captain of the tennis team and Yuju is the track star. Her friends always made her feel less than them. They didn't try to. It's because they were both team captain and track star. SinB was nothing, at least that's what she thinks.

SinB always wanted to join the schools basketball team but they didn't allow girls. Stupid right? SinB didn't mind though, life is cruel and that's how it will always be. Plus what happens is what happens.

SinB has a tv in her room but she never uses it. She doesn't even know where the remote is. Probably because she needs to clean her room.

SinB doesn't have a lot of time to do anything though. She was always busy studying or making music. Sometimes she didn't even eat because she was so busy.

Mostly every night when SinBs dad left for work and her mother went to bed she would walk up to a hill and lay on the grass while staring up at the stars. She always loved to stargaze.

Sometimes when SinB was having a bad day she'd stay at the hill for a longer time or she'd go to the hill more often that week. The hill would always seem to calm her.

No one ever went to that hill. It was like it was invisible to others. SinB loves the cool breeze at night. The hill is like home to her. It always brought her comfort.

Whenever SinB had a little bit of extra time she'd watch Harry Potter, one of her favorite movie series. She's loved the books and movies ever since they came out.

SinB knows life is about taking risk and sacrificing but she knows that doesn't mean that you can just do whatever you want because there are outcomes and consequences.

SinB was never interested in romantic stuff like movies and books but she does want to find love. She may not believe in love at first sight and true love but she does believe that there is someone out there for you and you just have to find that special person. She believes in love.

SinB isn't the affectionate type but she can love someone too. She may not be good at showing love but she does love.

SinB always smiled but that didn't always mean she was happy. Her smiles were just to hide the pain. To hide the truth. What does she need to be sad about though? Maybe it's because of her insecurities?

What does she have to feel insecure about though? Probably because people always made her feel less than them even though they weren't trying too. Even though it was unintentional she couldn't help but feel this way. Especially coming from a family who never complimented her. The world was filled with insecurities.

None of her family members knew she had low self esteem. They didn't know she had no self confidence. Probably because she always smiled, to mask what she was really feeling inside.

SinB wants someone to rely on. Someone to hold her tight. Someone to compliment her. Someone to be by her side no matter what. Someone who will be with her through all the hardships. She wants to be with her special someone too.

She just wants someone.

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