Keep you warm

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"You're so gorgeous"

"Is my SinB flirting with me?"

"I like you Yennie, a lot"

"Then go out with me"

"What?!" SinB woke up from her dream.

"Great now I'm even dreaming about her" SinB facepalmed. SinB checked the time on her phone and got up to get ready for school, but then she realized that its the weekend.

SinB ran downstairs when she heard her mom leaving for work. She almost fell down the stairs from running to fast.

"Mom! Mom wait!"

"Yes Eunbi?"

"Can I stay at a friends house tonight? Please? I'm begging you"

"Sure I don't care. You don't have to beg me"

"Really? Yes! Thank you Mom, you're the best!" SinB kisssed her mother's cheek before she took off running back up stairs.

"Well that's strange..." her mother said before walking to the garage. SinB gathered everything she needed before running at top speed to Yerins house. Somehow she remembered where she lived.

SinB repeatedly kept knocking on the door until it swung open. It took Yerin awhile which made SinB worry.


"HELLO!" SinB kept nodding her head in excitement.

"Are you on drugs or what? Come inside" Yerin had her blanket wrapped around her whole body once again.

"Aren't you glad to see me?" SinB kept a smile on her face.

"Why are you so happy?"

"I'm just so excited to see you!" SinB hugged Yerin.

"Really SinB, what's going on?"

"Nothing I'm just happy to see you"

"There's not much to do here"

"I'm never bored with you around. We can watch movies"

"Ok but the brightness on the tv is all the way down so don't blame me if you can't see the screen"

"It's okay!"

"You're so jumpy today" Yerin grabbed SinBs hand and pulled her along upstairs and into her room.

"Movies or video games?"

"How about both? We can watch movies and then play video games. Sound good?" SinB suggested.

"Sounds great" Yerin turned the tv on and sat down on her bed.

"Any type of movie that you like?" Yerin asked.

"A scary movie?"

"I love scary movies!" Yerin turned on a horror movie and snuggled up in her blanket. SinB sat there emotionless. She never liked horror movies but she could use it to an advantage.

Halfway in SinB already felt like she was dying from being scared to much, but the scariest part hasn't even come yet. A few more minutes later SinB was screaming out her lungs and holding onto Yerin for dear life.

"Ah!!! It's gonna kill us all!!! You gotta save me! Take Yerin first! I'm innocent I swear! I'm sorry for taking Eunhas candy bar when we were 13 and blaming it on Yuju! I'm sorry for everything wrong I've done!" SinB had her arms wrapped around Yerin.

"Calm down it's just a movie. And who is Yuju and Eunha?"

" friends"

"Oh...well you should really tell Eunha about that candy bar"

"No it's fine that was years- AHHH!!!!! It's a demon! I swear to god I'll give you a cinnamon roll if you leave me alone" SinB closed her eyes tightly.

"SinB do you want to watch something else?"

"Y-Yes please..."

"Ok" suddenly a romantic movie started playing. SinB won't be able to handle this. What if she accidentally does something. What if her hormones go crazy.

"SinB are you okay?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"Your whole body just turned stiff when I turned this on. Are you not into romantic movies?"

"No no it's fine. I'm just...cold" SinB lied but little did she know that lying could have good consequences. Yerin pulled SinB underneath her big blanket.

Both of their bodies weren't even able to be seen. The blanket was even covering their heads. SinB now felt like a furnace. Her cheeks felt so hot. Probably because her and Yerins faces were only about an inch apart. They were staring at each other awkwardly.

Then SinB found herself leaning in very slowly, she was about to kiss Yerin. That was until Yerins phone started ringing. Good thing Yerin was a oblivious to what SinB was about to do.

Yerin answered her phone and suddenly SinB could see tears rolling down her cheeks. SinB could hear a mans voice on the other line. Yerin took the blanket away from SinB and covered her whole body before running downstairs. SinB followed her to see what she was doing.

Yerin opened the door and there stood a muscular man in an army suit. Yerin jumped into his arms and cried more.

'Who the hell is this?' SinB thought as she got closer. The man set Yerin down and looked at SinB.

"And who are you?"

"Uh..." SinB couldn't speak for some reason.

"This is my friend, SinB. You spoke to her on the phone awhile ago"

"Oh so this is your father? I didn't know he was enlisted in the army"

"Yeah. I forgot to mention it"

"Let's go in your room to talk, aren't you hot from being in that blanket?" Her father asked.

"Yeah and it's always cold in my room, I like it" Yerin led the way. SinB stayed behind Yerins father.

"I missed you, Yerin. Is your mother still at work? I was hoping to surprise both of you"

"Yeah, she should be home soon. I'm so glad you're back" A few more tears came down Yerins cheeks but her father wiped them off.

"I need to run to the store before your mother comes back home. I was gonna get some groceries on my way here but I was to excited to see you"

"I'm glad you came home first. Drive safe okay? Love you dad"

"Love you" her dad shut the door behind him.

"That's your dad right?"

"Yeah. Do you like him? He's a really great man"

"Yeah. He seems...nice"

"Are you okay?" Yerin asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're shivering"

"You're shivering too"

"We both are shivering" Yerin chuckled.

"Are you cold?" SinB asked.

"Yeah" SinB quickly grabbed the blanket and covered both of them.

"Don't worry Yennie, I'll keep you warm"

"Don't worry Yennie, I'll keep you warm"

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