2 broken hearts

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"You really don't know how to put a poster together eh?" SinB asked.

"Usually my mom did them for me...or you" Yuju giggled.

"Isn't this due on Monday?" SinB questioned.

"Yeah but...we procrastinated" Umji admitted.

"Wow I never would've thought that the Kim sisters would procrastinate. You and Sowon are like the smartest people at our school how do you not have bad grades from not turning stuff in?"

"I have other people do it for me, only sometimes though"

"That makes sense. Oh I'm getting a call...from Yerin?" SinB gave Yerin her phone number awhile ago but she didn't think Yerin would ever call her.

"Hello? This is SinB. Yerin is that you?"

"Hello? SinB? It's me Yerin"

"Hello. Did you need something? Shouldn't you be in bed? It's late"

"You know I don't sleep at this time. Can you come over? I need you"

"I'm kind of busy right now"

"I really need you"

"I can't I'm sorry. You have Natsume just have him do whatever you need"

"No SinB, I need you"

"Not now! I'm helping my friends" SinB hung up.

'I can't believe I just hung up on her. Was I being rude?' SinB thought to herself while Yuju and Umji stared at her awkwardly.

"Who was that? Who is Yerin?" Yuju asked.

"Oh uh just someone I know"

"Hm...sounded like she really needs you. Go ahead"

"No she's with her boyfriend. I don't want to interrupt them"

"If you insist. Alright let's finish this project" Yuju smiled.

It took 2 two hours to get the poster to perfection while Yuju and Umji lazily sat around.

"You're welcome" SinB glared at the couple.

"Sorry SinB. I'll pay you back okay?"

"You owe me lunch tomorrow" SinB crossed her arms over her chest.

"You're so lucky you're my friend, SinB"

"Actually you're lucky you're my friend. You remember how much it took you to get me to be your friend?"

"Whatever. Get outta here"

"Alright I'm leaving"

"SinB someone is texting you" Umji handed SinB her phone before she left.

"Thanks. Goodnight guys. Don't stay up to late" SinB winked before leaving. Once she was outside she checked her messages.

YR: SinB?
YR: please answer me...
SB: What?
YR: can you come over? I know you only left a couple hours ago and it's really late but please?
SB: no. Why?
YR: I need you
SB: you have your boyfriend, talk to him, not me
YR: I need to talk to you :(
SB: alright fine I'll be there soon

SinB didn't feel like walking so she took a cab. It was faster than walking so she didn't mind paying for it. Once SinB got there she saw a black car parked in the driveway. Hopefully it's not Natsumes car.

"SinB thank god you came" Yerin dragged SinB inside.

"Huh? Are you okay? Your face is red like you've been crying...have you been crying?! Was is Natsume? What did he do to you? I swear to god I'll kick his ass! Tell me what he did"

"Calm down. He didn't do anything. We broke up" suddenly SinB broke out in laughter.

"Oh god that's funny! You guys have been dating for a few days and already broke up? Hilarious! Typical!"

"...it's not funny SinB. He had a girlfriend. He was cheating"

"Oh...I uh...I just...never mind"

"My heart is broken..."

"How do you think I feel" SinB said.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. It doesn't matter. Can I leave now?"

"Can you stay? Why are you being mean to me?"

"I'm not trying to be"

"...can you stay? Please? Just for tonight...I need you, SinB"

"Need me for what? You have your mother and father"

"My dad got deployed again"

"Well you have your mother. I need to go"

"SinB what's wrong? Why have you been acting so strange lately?"

"I'm not acting strange! You're acting strange!"

"What's wrong with you?!"

"Nothing is wrong with me! It's you!" SinB began walking away but Yerin grabbed her arm and tried to pull her back.

"Where are you going SinB?!"

"Let me go!" SinB pulled away.

"What is going on here?" SinB and Yerin looked over to where the voice was coming from. It was Mrs. Jung.

"Sorry to wake you Mrs. Jung. I'll be leaving now" SinB bowed and left.

"What was that about?"

"I don't know Mom"

"You should probably get some sleep Yerin. I'll be right back" Mrs. Jung grabbed her car keys and left.

There Mrs. Jung was riding along side of SinB who was walking slowly. She rolled down her window.

"SinB! Get in. Aren't you cold?"

"Oh...thank you Mrs. Jung" SinB got in the car.

"So what's going on? Yerin said you've been acting strange"

"Well it's just that...I don't know if I should say this. I don't know if you'll except it"

"Go on SinB. I'm willing to listen to whatever you have to say"

"I...I like your daughter Mrs. Jung. I like Yerin"

"Did you really think I didn't know? I saw the way you were looking at her and Natsume at the party"

"Was I really being that obvious?"

"Yes but don't worry, Yerin didn't notice. That's why you've been acting like this isn't it? You're jealous"

"Yeah...I can't help it"

"Thank you SinB"

"What? I didn't do anything. Why are you thanking me?"

"I've never seen Yerin so happy since the day she met you. I remember when she didn't smile for almost a year. She needs someone like you. She needs you to take care of her. She needs you, SinB"

"Thanks Mrs. Jung but I think she just wants to be friends"

"Friends or not, she still cares for you a lot. I've never seen her talk so fondly of someone until you came along"

"You think I have a chance?"

"Most definitely. You're head over heels for her and she likes you a lot too"

"You're like a second mother"

"Being a mother is hard,speaking of being a mother, that involves doing the nasty deed so please, if you two ever get together wait till you're both ready"

"I will. Oh this is my house"

"Well then. Goodnight SinB"

"Goodnight Mrs. Jung" SinB couldn't stop smiling.

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