She doesn't belong to you

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"How could you keep this from me?!" Sowon asked her sister.

"I was gonna tell you soon"

"Eunha please don't be mad" Yuju said.

"Be mad? Be mad about what? Congratulations! Our Yuju got herself a girlfriend!" Eunha clapped.

" you're not mad?" Yuju asked.

"No. Why would I be mad?"

"Because you used to like Umji"

"That was like 1 year ago. I'm way over her now. Plus I got somebody better" Eunha winked at Sowon.

"Wait are you two dating? I thought Sowon was dating SinB?" Umji asked.

"No me and Eunha are just playing around" Sowon said.

"Yeah Sowon is my girlfriend" was SinB being possessive? Doesn't matter if she was being possessive or not, Sowon liked it.

Then Sowon got an idea. She'll use Eunha to make SinB jealous so that SinB will like her more.

"Eunha is the cutest person I've ever seen!" Sowon squeezed Eunhas cheeks while grinning. Luckily for Sowon it worked. SinB immediately slapped Sowons hands away from Eunhas cheeks.

"You only do that to me! Remember I'm your girlfriend!" SinB was being obvious.

"Is my SinB jealous?" Sowon smiled.

"Am not!" SinB protested.

"Are too!" Sowon argued.


"The sandwiches are good guys" Umji interrupted SinB.

"Yeah...they sure are" Eunha stared down at her plate. Moments of silence passed by until Yuju spoke up.

"So SinB...have you made any new friends yet?" Yuju asked. SinB immediately thought of the girl at the hill, Yerin.

"No" SinB answered.

"Why am I not surprised" Sowon chuckled.

"Would you ladies like anything else to eat?" The waitress asked.

"No I think we're-"

"Can I get 4 sandwiches, only pepperoni, turkey, and lettuce, I also want 3 chocolate chips cookies, I'd like the large size please, I'll also get a soda, coke to be specific, and one last thing, 6 bags of chips, Funyuns. Wait! I also want 2 large fries" SinB finished ordering. Everybody just stared at her in shock while she looked at the others with a confused expression.

"Why are you guys staring at me like that?" SinB asked.

"You're acting as if that's normal to get that much food...for just one person" Eunhas eyes widened.

"I always get that much food. I have a big appetite okay?"

"How do you have such a nice body then?" Sowon asked.

"I work out duh" SinB gave Sowon the 'your stupid' look.

" wow...I'm speechless" Yuju said.

"Hey what can I say, food is good"

"And important" Umji added to SinBs ccomment. SinBs face lit up when she saw food coming her way. It's a surprise she didn't drool.

The 4 girls watched in shock while SinB shoved food into her mouth.

"Did you starve yourself for a month or what?" Umji chuckled.

"SinB you're gonna have to work out for hours to loose all those calories that you're eating right now" Sowon said.

"Calories my ass!" SinB responded.

"I'd love to know how many calories are in your ass" Sowon winked.

"Ew you nasty! That's cannibalism!" SinB playfully punched Sowons arm.

"Cannibalism or not, I'll eat you up" Sowon grinned.

"I think I lost my appetite" SinB grimaced.

"My body can fix your appetite" Sowon said with a flirtatious voice.

"I think you just made it worst. Oh no I think I'm gonna puke!" SinB made puking noises to get her point across that she was grossed out by Sowons words and actions.

"Hey that's what people do when they're dating, they flirt" Sowon remarked.

"Don't you think I'm a little to young to date though?" SinB asked the others.

"You're 18, you'll be 19 soon. People have sex by the age of 16 and below, sometimes like 14 or 13 plus kids are already doing drugs by the age of 13 and higher, so junior high years. I'm pretty sure you're old enough SinB, plus you're already dating me" Sowon commented.

"I was forced into this relationship" Sowon went silent after what SinB said.

"It's okay. You're perfect and everyone would want to date you. I wouldn't have to be forced into a relationship with you" Eunha whispered loud enough for SinB to hear. Then it hit SinB, she was jealous. She didn't realize it before but now she did. Was she really falling for Sowon?

'This can't be happening! I'm not falling for her! There's no way in hell!' SinB thought to herself but no matter how much she tried to convince herself that she didn't like Sowon she just realized how much more she did.

"SinB? Are you okay?" Yuju snapped her fingers.

"Huh? Oh I'm just spaced out"

"You seem to be in a trance" Eunha said.

"Just a little tired that's all" SinB lied.

"Maybe it's from eating so much, let's head home now shall we?" Sowon stood up from her seat.

"Yeah me and Umji have to continue working on our project" Yuju got out of her seat and Umji followed.

"Work on your project sure, you mean make out?" Eunha winked.

"No! We only just started dating, that's a bit to soon don't you think?" Yuju glanced at Umji for defense.

"Yeah that's to soon" Umji agreed.

"See you guys soon" Umji and Yuju walked to their car and Sowon led Eunha and SinB to hers. Sowon dropped Eunha off at her house first. Then they arrived at SinBs place.

"Goodnight SinB"
"Goodnight Sowon" SinB bowed before Sowon took off. It was already around 8:00 so SinB figured her parents were sleeping. SinB used her phone as a light so she could see where she was going because it was to dark to see. SinB didn't go home though, she went to the hill.

SinB stargazed while waiting for the other girl to come but as time passed by she never showed up. SinB kept wondering about her.

'I wonder where she is. Why am I worrying about someone I don't even know? Why do I care about her? I don't, exactly' SinB thought to herself.

"I wonder where she is..." SinB said out loud.

"I'm right here" SinB immediately turned around but there was no one there.

'Great now I'm hearing voices. I must be going insane' SinB closed her eyes, thoughts continued running through her head.

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