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When SinB woke up all she could think about was the events that happened last night.

'Is it possible for someone to be that good?' SinBs cheeks turned red at her thought. Then she remembered Eunsoo. SinB quickly but quietly got out of bed and put her clothes back on. Yes, they were both still naked at the time.

She grabbed her phone and ran outside. Eunsoo was still out there.

"Yah! Eunsoo! Wake up!" SinB knocked on the car window.

"Huh? Oh" Eunsoo was startled.

"Let me in" SinB glared.

"Right" Eunsoo unlocked the door.

"Did you stay here all night?" SinB asked.

"Well yeah. I wasn't just gonna leave you. What took you so long anyways, well all night should I say? What were you two doing in there?" Eunsoo winked.

"None of your business. Hurry up and get home, I'm tired"

"Tired from what? You were just sleeping...or maybe you were having a little too much fun last night and lost track of time" Eunsoo teased.

"Whatever. It's not like you haven't ever done it before"

"You're right, I have...but with a male. Your parents are gonna kill you if they find out. Don't slip up Eunbi"

"I'll try not to"

"I'm serious Eunbi. If they find might have to live with me"

"I understand what could happen Eunsoo. I'm not stupid"

"I know you're not SinB but I had a friend awhile ago who accidentally kissed a girl when she was drunk. Her parents sent her away to a different country. I was the girl that she accidentally kissed..."

"Oh...just drive"

"Alright" Eunsoo started the engine. The rest of the way to SinBs house Eunsoo teased her.

"Where were you?" SinBs parents were standing by the door with their arms crossed over their chest.

"I was at Eunhas"

"Oh really? Then why did she come over here last night asking where you were? She looked worried"

"Did I say Eunha? I meant Umji"

"Oh Umji? Umji seems like a good kid. You should hang out with more people like her"

"I already have enough good quality friends"

"Don't you work today?" Her mother asked.

"Omg you're right! I'm late!" SinB ran upstairs and washed her face before running to the cafe. Luckily the boss wasn't there yet.

"You're late SinB"

"I know Eunsoo. You should've just dropped me off here"

"You're right. Actually I should've dropped you off in the middle of the freeway" Eunsoo splashed SinB with water.

"Hey don't get my work clothes wet" SinB pouted.

"I won't if you behave. Go flip the sign so customers know we're opened"

"Why do you make me do everything around here? Pick up the slack"

"You do everything? Girl don't even go there with me. I work way more than you do and the customers even like me more"

"How much money did you bribe them with?"

"You're not funny. I can get you fired"

"I know but you'd never do it" SinB smirked.

"Are you saying I'm a chicken?" Eunsoo glared.

"Yep. What are you gonna do about it chicken? Bok bok bok"

"Oh hell to the no Eunbi!" Eunsoo chased SinB around the cafe with a wet towel.

"Hello?..." SinB and Eunsoo turned to see a man standing by the door. SinB immediately felt angry.

"...Natsume...what brings you by?" SinB asked nervously.

"I'm here to see my soon to be sister-in-law"

"What?!" Both Eunsoos and SinBs jaw dropped.

" and Yerin are getting married. She didn't tell you?"

"Oh...really? That's...that's great. I'm really happy for you two. You guys are the perfect couple" SinB smiled. It pained her to say those words but what else could she do? Fight him again? That wouldn't do any good.

"Yeah. I wanted to invite you to the wedding. It's next week, of course during the night"

"I'll try to come but I can't guarantee it"

"I also have one more thing to say before I go"


"I plan on making a family with Yerin. Maybe not now but eventually it will happen. You better not get in the way and ruin it or I'll ruin you" Natsume left without a trace. SinB and Eunsoo were speechless.

"I told you. It's just like last time. Once things finally start to get good something bad happens" SinB tried to hide her pain and went back to wiping the counters.

"Wait but if she's marrying him and had sex with you last night doesn't that mean she's cheating?"

"I don't know. Maybe the marriage was on a short notice"

"But still...they would have been dating"

"I don't care just stop talking about it"



"Go talk to her. Hurry before it's to late"

"No. There's no point in talking to her. She's getting married next week. There's nothing I can do...sadly"

"Go before I actually do fire you and I'm not joking. I'm being 100% serious now go"

"I said no! I don't want to look at that ugly, disgusting, disgraceful, two-faced bitch!" SinB threw a coffee mug on the floor and it shattered.

"SinB don't say that about her. You don't mean it. You're just mad"

"She lied to me! She's toying with my emotions! That fucking hoe! I gave her my heart and she crushed in the palm of her hands! You know how much it hurts? No! Because you'd never understand! You don't know what it's like to give someone your everything and they just throw it out the door like it's nothing! She meant everything! I was supposed to mean everything to her! She lied...she lied to me..." SinB broke down in tears while leaning over the sink.


"Im not some stupid puppet"

"You need a woman who messes up your lipstick not your mascara" Eunsoo chuckled.

"This isn't the time for jokes"

"Your right, I'm sorry"

"Don't be..."

"Well then. A lot of customers will be coming in soon. You better move your ass and go talk to her. Hurry up"


"Go. You're running out of time"

"But then you'll be here alone. Where is Suji? He's supposed to work morning shift too"

"He called in sick, he's faking though. Don't worry I got it"

"Thank you Eunsoo" SinB ran off before Eunsoo could reply.

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