Take care of you

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The two girls sat in silence for a few moments until SinB spoke.


"What?" was all Yerin said.

"Yes Yerin...I'll be your friend" Both SinB and Yerin smiled.

"So what happened anyways? How'd you lose all your friends? If you don't mind me asking" SinB told Yerin everything, every little detail. Yerins face was blank.

"Yerin, is something wrong?"

"SinB...people can't help it...people fall in love with whoever they fall in love with. It's not her fault"

"You're right. I screwed up big time didn't I?" SinB smiled bitterly.

"Yeah. You should apologize, it's the right thing to do. Even if she doesn't accept it, at least you know you tried"

"Thanks Yerin. I appreciate it, really"

"That's what friends are for"

"Goodnight Yerin, thanks for the food and water...and for...watching over me while I slept"

"Don't thank me SinB. Shouldn't you be going home?" Yerin smiled.

"Right" SinB bowed before walking away.
SinB was finally going back to school today. She's already prepared to get mean glares and bullied which could possibly lead to her getting beat up.

SinB never got psychically bullied but she was verbally bullied. She was lucky that she never got hit, not once.

It took awhile to find Sowon.

'Goodbye my pride' SinB said to herself as she walked towards Sowon. Luckily Eunha wasn't there nor was Yuju or Umji. SinB took a deep breath before taking a step forward.


"SinB?" Sowon turned around to face her. Immediately SinB got down on the floor and into a begging position.

"I'm sorry Sowon. I screwed up and I really regret it. I'm not saying you have to forgive but I want you to know that I truly am sorry. I shouldn't have hurt you like that. I respect you and Eunhas...relationship" SinB finished apologizing.

"I understand that you were just hurting. I'm sorry I hurt you SinB. I think we both owe each other an apology. I hope we can still be friends"

"I'd love to still be friends with you" SinB smiled.

"Great. Then would you care to join me and Eunha at dinner today?"

"I uh...I'm actually busy today" SinB lied.

"Oh...well maybe next time?"

"Sure. That is unless I'm busy again"

"I'll see you later?"

"Hopefully" SinB was relieved that everything worked out fine.

After school was over SinB was almost out of the building when she felt a hand grab her wrist. She turned around to see the one and only Eunha.

"SinB, can we talk?"


"Let's walk to your house together" Eunha said. Once the two were halfway to SinBs place Eunha spoke up.

"I wanted to talk about yesterday"

"Listen Eunha , I already apologized to Sowon"

"I know. I'm sorry. We both are"

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