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It was now the day of the wedding, the day SinB was dreading. After today she would never see Yerin again, well that's what she decided.

Yerin asked SinB to go shopping with her to look for a wedding dress, of course SinB couldn't say no. SinB and the others already got their dresses a couple days ago.

"Do you like this one, B?" Yerin came out of the changing room.

" not your style. And please...don't call me B...anymore"

"Right. We're not friends anymore. This is our last day together..." Yerin went back into the changing room. SinB waited impatiently while Yerin changed her clothing for the 15th time.

"This one?..." Yerin asked shyly.

"Uh...yeah sure" SinB kept her eyes on her phone.

"You didn't even look SinB! I knew I shouldn't have brought you"

"I only came because I knew it would make you happy! You think I actually want to be here?! I can't stand looking at your face knowing that you're getting married to another guy when you told me you love me! You had sex with me while you were dating him! You cheated! I let my guard down for you! I loved you and I still do yet I can't handle being around you!"

"I was vulnerable that night! I didn't mean to have sex with you!"

"What made you so vulnerable?! Oh your stupid broken heart because you and Natsume possibly had a fight that day! I don't fucking care about your 'broken heart'! What about me?! What about my problems?! Do you ever think of me?! All those sleepless nights were because of you! I couldn't fucking sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about you! But thinking about you always brought me pain! You lied to me! You told me you loved me! On my own fucking birthday and then a couple days later you break my heart?! Again?! How many times more?! How many more times do you have to make me suffer?! I gave you my everything! For the first time I actually gave my heart to someone! I've never regretted something more! I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror because all I see is a fool! A love sick fool!!!" SinB broke down in tears.

"I was vulnerable because my dad died....I just wanted someone..."

"You're so fucking used me for your own misery!"

"I'm sorry Eunbi"

"I knew I should have stayed away from you from the start. I should've hated you..."

"Please don't do this SinB. I wanted you from the very start. I do love you. This wedding isn't my choice. I want to be with you...I really do"

"Don't lie to me again. Don't lie!"

"SinB please-"

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop toying with me! I'm no puppet! I have feelings too!"

"Please stop yelling. Everyone is looking at us" Yerin whispered.

"Just get your stupid fucking dress so we can leave" SinB wiped her tears and acted as if nothing happened.

After they paid for the dress they went home and Yerin got ready for the wedding. SinB and her friends stayed by the table with all the food. Eunsoo was invited too.

"Eunsoo why are you eating so much chocolate?" Eunha asked.

"It's that time of the month" Eunsoo whispered as she shoved more chocolate in her mouth.

"You're gonna get fat" Sowon snickered.

"Who the hell cares? I don't need no man! All I need is my food"

"Omg what are you doing Eunsoo?!" SinB yelled as she got in front of Eunsoo to block everyone's view of her.

"Eunsoo!" They all laughed while watching Eunsoo grabbing chocolate and putting it in her purse.

"What are you guys doing?" Yerin walked over to the group of friends.

"Uhhh...n-nothing!" SinB waved her hands frantically.

"Alright. The wedding starts in 5 minutes so you should probably take a seat" Yerin said.

"Alright we will in a second" The giraffe shooed Yerin away.

"That was a close one Eunsoo" Umji laughed.

"Omg guys she took all of the chocolates! There's not a crumb left!" Yuju pointed to the table.

"Eunsoo are you sure you're on your period?" Eunha jokingly asked.

"I'm sure of it! I was bleeding out this morning when I went to the bathroom!"

"Oh god! To much information! To much! I'm going to take a seat!" SinB ran off while making puking noises.

"She's really trying to hide the pain huh?" Eunha asked while staring at SinB.

"Yeah. It must really hurt. I've never seen her this way before...honestly, I didn't know a person like her could feel that way" The group of girls stared at SinB sympatheticly, but she didn't notice, she was to busy glaring at a couple that was flirting.

"Let's go take a seat. The wedding is about to start" Sowon dragged Eunha over to where SinB was sitting. The rest of the girls followed.

The wedding had just begun. The crowd watched in awe as Yerin walked down the aisle with her mother by her side. SinB watched the wedding with a blank expression even though inside she was raging with anger and jealousy.

'That should be me...' SinB clenched her fist.

"Do you, Natsume Sato take Yerin to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" Natsume smiled.

"And do you, Jung Yerin take Natsume to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

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