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SinB couldn't stop thinking about last night. She knew she made Yerin happy which made her happy. For some reason seeing Yerin happy made SinB happy, but she's never felt that way before for anybody.

Once SinBs dad found out about her having a girlfriend she was grounded for a week. SinB didn't mind though. You would think that week went by slow but it went faster than any other week, that's because thoughts of Yerin kept her busy.

SinB didn't quite understand why she was having thoughts of her all the time all of the sudden. Maybe it was because after that night at the school she found a true friend in Yerin, a person who will never leave her side, at least she hopes so.

SinB has been hanging out with Eunha and Sowon the past few days. The tension between Eunha and SinB isn't what it used to be like. They were best friends and now they're just acquaintances.

SinB felt kind of awkward when she was around the couple. It's weird watching your ex-girlfriend flirt with your ex-bestfriend.

SinB still remembers when her and Eunha were playing on a long grassy field when they were 8. Eunha was chasing SinB because she was throwing her jelly beans at her, not because she was mad but she was bored and loved getting on Eunhas nerves.

SinB was about 2 yards ahead of Eunha when she heard screaming and crying. She turned around and saw Eunha holding her ankle and crying. She twisted it while running.

SinB told Eunha it was gonna be okay and she got her to stop crying. They had to get home because it was getting dark but there was a problem, Eunha couldn't walk. She tried and tried but failed every time.

SinB picked her up and tried to carry her as best as she could. Using all her strength she was able to carry her home. They were only about halfway to Eunhas house when it started pouring down rain.

SinB tightened her grip around Eunha and tried to run as fast as she could without dropping Eunha. SinB was shivering because she gave Eunha her coat to protect her more from the rain and the cold.

Once she brought Eunha to her house her parents thanked her. SinB didn't have the energy to run back home through the storm so she had to walk. She did jog a couple times.

When she got home her parents were relieved and asked her why she was all wet but SinB just stood there shivering. The next morning SinB woke up with a really bad cold. Her parents let her stay home but later that day she had to go to the hospital because she was getting worst. SinB didn't care though because it was for Eunha, her best friend that she'd cherish until she was dead.

"SinB? Earth to SinB" Sowon waved her hand in front of SinBs face.


"Do you agree?" Sowon asked.

"Oh...yeah" SinB smiled and nodded to make it seem like she was listening but Sowon wasn't buying the act.

"You weren't listening"

"Yes I was" SinB protested.

"Then what was I talking about?"

"You were talking about good those sandwiches were that we ate awhile ago..." SinB spoke confidently.

"No I was talking about Eunhas tennis tournament"

"Of course. I should've known"

"Are you coming?" Eunha asked.

"I don't know. I'll try but it depends on what time it is"

"It's from 7:30 to around 9:30"

"Yeah sorry I won't be able to make it"

"Aw why not?" Eunha pouted.

"I...I'm meeting up with someone at that time"

"Really? Who? Aw do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend now?"

"No. It doesn't matter. I wish you luck on your game"

"Can we meet this someone soon?" Sowon wiggled her eyebrows.

"Depends. Are you willing to stay up till at least 9:00?"

"Hell no. Why do we have to stay up till that time though?" Eunha asked.

"Nothing. Just a joke"

"A joke? I don't get it. What's so funny about it?" Eunha furrowed her eyebrows.

"I don't get it either"

"Well then. Me and Sowon should get going"

"Yeah I should too" they bid their goodbyes. When SinB was walking home she spotted Yuju and Umji talking so she decided to join them.

"Umji, Yuju!" SinB called out.

"SinB!" Yuju turned around and hugged the younger girl.

"Ok no need to be to affectionate, especially around your girlfriend, she might get jealous" SinB winked at Umji.

"Don't worry Umji, you're my one and only" Yuju pulled away from SinB.

"How have you and Sowon been doing? And Eunha" Umji asked.

"We've actually been doing pretty good. The tension between me and Eunha is awkward, but it's been getting better, especially today. It wasn't as nearly as awkward as usual"

"Well that's good to hear" Yuju said.

"How have you and Umji been?"

"We're doing good. We've been on a lot of dates lately" Yuju answered.

"Any kissing yet? Or have you guys been doing more than just kissing?" SinB smirked.

"No no nothing like that! We've only kissed a few times" Yuju blushed.

"Hm...sounds interesting"

"If only you knew. Me and Umji have to go now. I told her I'd buy her ice cream and if you came along who knows how much money I'll spend" Yuju chuckled.

"Are you calling me fat?" SinB tried to act as serious as possible but her lips formed into a smile.

"You're still so childish. Good bye SinB, I'll see you later" Yuju laughed as she grabbed Umjis hand and walked away. Now SinB was all alone, until 9:00.

'1 more hour...just 1 more hour until 9:00' SinB repeated to herself. When SinB got to the hill Yerin wasn't there. Yerin didn't show up for a whole week.

Yerin finally showed up on Friday. SinB was relieved to see the girl she was longing for.

"Where have you been?!" SinB couldn't help but be frustrated.

"Please don't yell at me..." Yerin hung her head low.

"I'm sorry. I was just...worried about you" SinBs voice was low but loud enough for Yerin to hear her.

"I don't need you to be worried about me" Yerin said with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Where were you? Did you take your medication?" SinB asked.

"I was at the hospital"


"Because I didn't take my medication...I forgot"

"And you want me to not worry about you?! How can I not fucking worry about you?! How-"

"Stop yelling at me!!!" Yerin yelled back.

"Do you know how much worry you caused me?! Day and night I couldn't stop thinking about you! I couldn't sleep! I felt sick to my stomache whenever I thought that maybe something happened to you!"

"It wasn't my fault! I forgot!"

"How could you forgot what's keeping you alive?!"

"You're keeping me alive!..."

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