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          Seoul South Korea, 2 years later

"Yah! SinB! My hat! Where's my hat?" Yerin dug through the pile of clothes in the closet searching for her black cap.

"I don't know. You wore it last" SinB leaned against the wall next to the door. She laughed at how troubled her girlfriend was.

"Did not! Did you loose it already? Be honest with me" Yerin stared deeply into the beautiful brown orbs she loved so much. She always knew Eunbi was lying just by staring into her eyes.

"I...well it wasn't my fault! Sowon told me it was ugly. She said if I threw it in the water fountain then she'd give me $20 dollars so of course I did it!" Yerin gasped.

"Those were our couples hats..."

"Y-you can wear mine! I still have mine!" SinB ran over to the front door and grabbed her black cap off the coat rack.

"You're lucky I love you" Yerin angrily snatched the cap out of SinBs hands.

"I'm starting to think that the only thing keeping us together is our child" Eunbi chuckled but Yerin took the comment to heart.

"If you wanna break up then let's do it! Are you gonna leave me with the kid and make me do all the parenting while you get wasted every night?!"

"I was only joking..." SinB stared down at the floor, too afraid to look Yerin in the eyes. Eunbi always looked at the floor when she knew Yerin was either disappointed in her or mad at her.

"...I'm ready. Are you?" Yerin tried to change the subject.

"Yeah. Let's go" Eunbi reached for the car keys on the drawer. Yerin followed the younger girl to the yellow Lamborghini.

"Sowon said Yuki is sleeping right now" Eunbi started the engine and drove off like she is so cool. Eunbi was still getting used to being rich.

"I miss Yuki..." Yerin sighed and stared at the city lights. Yerin always liked the night more than day. There were two reasons, her disease and looking at the city lights. After the couple put their child to bed Eunbi and Yerin would go to the roof and stare at the stars or city lights until one of them was too tired to even keep their eyes open. One of the most things they valued was the time they spent together.

"She's only been gone for a few hours"

"She's our daughter, it's practically my duty as a mother to miss my child" Yerin rolled her eyes. Eunbi never understood the whole parenting thing. She didn't want a child but since Yerin did she agreed to adopt.

"I guess you're right. So how do you feel about doing this? Are you scared?" Eunbi knew she asked a dumb question. Of course her girlfriend was happy.

"Of course! It's a cure! I'll be able to be in the light again. Think about how much easier it will be for me to be with Yuki?" Yerins smile was so big. Eunbi couldn't help but snicker at her girlfriends precious face.

"What about me? Spending time with me..." SinB frowned. It may have seemed like SinB liked Yuki but in reality she hated that devil child. Eunbi felt that the baby took Yerins attention away from her, partly because she really did take all of Yerins attention.

SinB was used to having all of Yerins attention but now that a baby came along SinB could get away with anything. Yerin didn't notice what was going on as much since she always paid attention to her child. Eunbi didn't think of Yuki as child, she thought of her as a devil child.

"You act like we don't spend time together. What about every night how we go to the roof?"

"I guess you're right..." Eunbi sighed.

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