Sick or love sick?

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SinB woke up and felt something wrapped around her. When she looked down she saw Yerins arm wrapped around her waist. Suddenly SinB could feel her cheeks heating up. Was she blushing?

She grabbed her phone off the nightstand to check the time. It was still early in the morning so she had enough time to get ready for school.

SinB tried to take Yerins arm off her waist without waking her up but Yerins grip just tightened. SinB sighed and tried again but still got the same result.


"Hm" Yerin groaned.

"I have to go to school"


"Yerin I can't just-"



"It's just one day. That's not so bad is it? Stay"

"...ok. Wait what if your mom comes in here?"

"It's fine. She won't care. She lets me do mostly anything I want because she pities me"


"Don't be sorry. You didn't do anything"

"Are we just gonna sleep all day or?"

"There's not much else to do"

"Why is your room so dark?"

"Why do you think?"

"Are you rich?"

"Can you stop asking questions?"

"Sorry I can't help it I'm just-" Yerin put her index finger on SinBs lips.

"Shhh. Relax okay? Are you scared of the dark?" Yerin chuckled.

"What? No!"

"Quiet. You're gonna wake up my mom" Yerin covered SinBs mouth.

"Sorry I just can't go back to sleep"

"Well I don't know what to tell you. Play games on your phone or something"

"...I'll just go back to sleep" SinB closed her eyes. She felt Yerin take her arm off her and turn around. She missed it for some reason. She felt empty and sad.

"Yerin?" The girl didn't respond so SinB continued talking.

"Have you ever...been in love?" SinB asked.

"No. How could I be in love when I'm basically trapped inside my room all the time"

"Right. I almost forgot"

"It's fine. Go to sleep will you? I'm tired. You're interrupting my sleeping time" Yerin groaned.

"Sorry" SinB closed her eyes once again. She fell asleep after awhile and so did Yerin.

Hours later SinB woke up but Yerin was still sound asleep. She was even snoring. SinB didn't mind though. To be honest, she kind of felt bad for Yerin.

How could someone handle being trapped inside a room most of their life? That'd be miserable. SinB would just kill herself if she had to be trapped in a room.

Sinb could hear a phone ringing but it wasn't hers. She looked over at Yerins phone and saw that it was lit up. She was gonna let it keep ringing but she decided to get up and answer the call.


"Yerin? Is that you?" A man spoke.

"Uh no..."

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