Other half

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"What?...I'm...Im keeping you alive?" SinB asked.

"Don't you understand? I finally had someone else to talk to. Someone to keep me company. I saw a real friend in you. I felt like I had a bond with someone finally. You're my only light in this darkness, SinB" Yerins words almost sounded like a confession, but it wasn't.

"I'm sorry for yelling. I'm glad that I can be your light in this darkness, I'm happy to know that we have a bond"

"Let's just forget this okay?"

"Just remember to take your medication okay?"

"You are my medication"

"Yerin, I'm being serious"

"I know...I will. Just remind me to"

"Deal. I'm glad you're okay" SinB smiled.

"SinB...what am I to you? Be honest. I want to know"

"A true friend. Someone who will stick by someone's side no matter what. Someone who won't judge. A strong kind hearted woman"

"...typical" Yerin murmured.

"What do you mean?"

"Most of my family says the same thing"

"I could say more..."

"Go on them. I have nothing better to do with my time"

"I don't really like being on the spot, I tend to forget things. To me, you're like my other half I've been missing for 18 years. Sometimes you remind so much of myself. I can't help but smile when I see you. Just as you said, you're the light to my darkness. There's something special about you, you make me smile without even saying or doing anything funny. Do most people just smile around you when you're not being funny or cute? I've known you for about a month but I feel like I've known you forever, maybe you are my other half"

"Sounds more like a confession"

"You're right. Sorry"

"It's fine. I like you too"


"I said I like you too"

"I never said that though"

"Well you could've just said you like me instead of saying all that stuff"

"But I don't like you in that way"

"Did you think I meant romantically? I meant as friends plus that's gross, we're both girls"

"...right" SinB hid her frown with a smile.

"I was only joking, SinB. Gay or not, you're still who you are, there's nothing wrong with that"

"So you accept it?"

"Of course I do"

"Well this is a weird conversation"

"There's not much else to talk about. I heard there's a rain storm on its way. We should probably go home. I also heard there will be thunder and lightning" Yerin stood up and dusted off her pants.

"Actually...Yerin, can I...stay with you? You don't have to say yes, but now that we're friends I just-"

"Of course SinB, you're welcome anytime between 9:00PM and 6AM"

"Shall we get going? It's already starting to rain" SinB held out her hand to feel the little rain droplets.

"Follow me. It's dark so hold my hand, I don't want you to get lost" Yerin held out her hand for SinB to take.

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