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"What? You used me to get her off your mind? I understand. Don't worry, I'm
not mad"

"Really! You're the best Eunsoo!" SinB hugged the older girl.

"So are you and her like a thing now or? Are you guys going on a date soon?" Eunsoo questioned.

"Well we planned on going out next week"

"Oh your blushing!" Eunsoo pinched SinBs cheeks.

"Let's just hope everything goes as planned. Can I borrow $10,000?"

"What? No! Are you crazy?! What kind of drugs are you on?" Eunsoo smacked SinBs head.

"Oh...I'll just get a loan then"

"What do you need that much money for anyways? Did something happen?"

"I need it to break a contract"

"I can help you rob a bank" Eunsoo joked.

"I'm being serious. I need to get the money quickly. I might have to do some illegal things..."

"SinB!" Eunsoo gasped in disbelief.

"I was only joking!"

"You better be. Just go set up a go fund me page"

"Eunsoo nobody trust people on those anymore"

"You're right. Become a stripper, I hear that pays good money" Eunsoo laughed.

"I'll get a loan and pay it off while I'm in college. 10,000 is just too much to pay on my own in 1 year"

"Alright good talk. Let's get to work" Eunsoo flipped the sign so the customers know they're opened.

"Can I order an Eunbi?" SinBs smile got so big when she heard a familiar voice. The voice belonged to one of the only people she loved.

"Eunha!" SinB pulled her friend into a tight embrace.

"You missed me didn't you?" Eunha smirked.

"Of course I did! You act like I never do" SinB smacked Eunhas arm lightly.

"Wow who hits their best friend? You're so cruel" Eunha gasped.

"Really though, what do you want? Why are you here?"

"Am I not allowed to see my friend when I miss her?"

"No you're distracting me from my job"

"Oh. I'll leave then. Bye"

"Bye" Eunha left with a frown.

"Oh great. It's Suji. That damn son of a bitch" Eunsoo chuckled.

"Hey I heard that!"

"Good. She wanted you to" SinB laughed.

"Wow whatever"

"Can I go home? I don't want to work my shift" SinB whined.

"Boss doesn't come in today and now that Suji is here, yes" Eunsoo agreed to let SinB go.

"Yes! Thank you so much!" SinB hugged Eunsoo before taking off.

SinB went and got a loan and then went over to Yerins house. SinB knocked but no one answered. The place seemed empty. There were no cars parked outside which there usually was.

SinB knocked one last time. When no one answered she began to walk away, but then she heard the door open. She turned around to see a drowsy Yerin. She looked like she had just woke up.

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