Midnight Sun

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"W-what do you mean?" SinB asked.

"We're moving. You're gonna study abroad. That's my final decision rather you like it or not" her mother crossed her arms over her chest.

"No! Y-you can't do this! I'm not going! I'm an adult now, I get to choose what I want!" SinB argued.

"I'm still your mother so you follow my rules. You have until tomorrow so you better start packing. We'll leave at 9:00 PM, understand?"

"How could you! I hate you! I hate you so much!" SinB took off.


"Just give her some time...she'll come back soon" Mrs. Hwang squeezed her husbands hand.

"I can't accept her..." he mumbled.

"Neither can I..."

Nothing seemed to ease the unbearable pain SinB was in. She wanted to see Yerin so bad but that would just hurt her more. Instead she decided to go talk to Eunha. Eunha always helped her through mostly everything.

"Eunha...I have to tell you something" SinB hung her head low because she was afraid of how Eunha would react.

"What is it?"

"My parents found out about me and Yerin..."


"They're making move. I'm studying abroad. I leave tomorrow night..."

"What?! Stop joking! It's not funny, Eunbi!" Eunha slapped SinBs arm.

"I wish I was...I don't want to leave" SinB let a tear escape her eye.

"Aw Eunbi don't cry, it'll be okay" she pulled SinB into a tight embrace and patted her back.

"I'm not. My eyes are just sweating" SinB chuckled.

"Haha. Well what are you doing? We need to say our goodbyes before it's too late!" Eunha got off the bed and pulled SinB along with her.

"Where to first?" SinB asked.

"Well Umjis of course!"


"No! I'm joking! We should all go out tonight!" Eunha smiled.

"Wait then where are we going right now?"

"Sowons" Eunha dragged SinB all the way to Sowons house. SinB freed her arm from Eunhas grip and continued to follow behind her. They arrived shortly after and Sowon was already waiting outside.

"So SinB is really moving?" Sowon asked.

"Yeah..." Eunha frowned.

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go get the others" they all got in Sowons car and picked up Umji and Yuju.

"So where are we going? And why are we even going out?" asked Umji.

"SinB is moving tomorrow night. This might be our last night with her" Sowons voice cracked. SinB was glad to know that Sowon really did care and love her.

"It's okay. We can still call each other" SinB tried to cheer up the depressed group of girls.

"Yeah..." Umji sounded like she was crying.

"Aw Umji don't cry. Maybe I can come visit some time" SinB patted Umjis back.

"So where are we going?" Yuju asked.

"To SinBs favorite restaurant. I'll pay for everything, don't worry" Sowon smiled.

'She's so nice...they're all nice. Oh how I'll miss them...' SinB thought to herself.

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