Fight for you

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When SinB woke up she didn't notice her surroundings. She wasn't in her room. She had a headache, its definitely a hangover. Then she realized that she was wearing a different shirt from last night.

'Did I...did I sleep with someone?!' SinB was freaking out. Then she heard something coming from her right. She looked over and fell out of bed when she saw another person laying next to her.

"W-who are you?!" SinB scooted closer to the door.

"SinB it's just me, Yerin"

"What?..." SinB blinked a few times before looking around the familiar room.

"How did I get here?" SinB asked.

"You were drunk last night and a guy was hitting on you. He tried to take you back to his place but I refused to let him take you"

"Why do I have a different shirt on? Did he...did you..."

"You puked on yourself so I changed it. You also puked on me"

"...damn...I'm so stupid"

"No. You were just drunk. You also kept hitting my back when I carried you home yesterday. You kept yelling at me to put you down after you regained your conscious"

"I'm sorry..."

"It's fine. I'm just glad you're okay. By the way, how was your graduation yesterday day? I heard that you fell...I also saw the video..."

"It was horrible. I can't believe I fell!" SinB was clearly frustrated.

"Aw B don't be mad" Yerin helped SinB stand up.

"I screwed up. I don't even-"

"Go home SinB. Get some rest"

"But I already slept. I can't go to sleep, I'm not tired"

"Then don't go to sleep, but go home"

"Why? I don't want to go home. Don't you want me to stay with you?"

"I'm busy, SinB"

"You said you're never busy"

"Well I am now so go"

"Are you lying to me?"

"You know-"

"No it's fine I'll just leave" SinB left without making eye contact. When SinB got outside a man in a black car pulled up into the driveway. Once the male got out of the car SinB realized who it was, it was Natsume.

SinB wanted to punch him so bad but she knew that wouldn't be a good idea. They both glared at one another when they passed by each other.

When SinB got home Eunha was standing outside her house.

"Eunha? What are you doing here?"

"You wouldn't answer my text nor my calls" Eunha looked concerned.

"Sorry. I was at Yerins"

"Still, why didn't you pick up my calls or answer my texts?"

"Because I was sleeping, I just woke up"

"Did you go to her place after you left the bar? And where did you get that shirt?"

"Well uh...she changed my shirt when I was unconscious"

"She what?! Where is she?! I'm gonna kill her!"

"No no I was drunk and I puked on myself!" Eunha paused before she burst out laughing.

"It's not funny..."

"Right, sorry. Why didn't you text me when you were walking home?"

"Because my phone Yerins house...damn it" SinB facepalmed.

"I'll call us a cab so you can go get your phone back"

"Thanks Eunha, I appreciate it"

"I'm coming with you though"


"I'll just wait in the cab don't worry"

"Ok..." SinB awkwardly watched Eunha call a cab. The ride to Yerins house was awkward and silent.

When they got to Yerins place Eunha stayed in the car and SinB waited on the porch for Yerin to open the door. Instead of Yerin it was Natsume.

"Oh hey, who are you?" He asked.

"I...uh...I'm a friend of Yerin"

"Oh me and her are kind of busy right now so maybe you could come back later?"

"Well actually I forgot something here"

"Is it really that important though? Can't you just get it from her later?"

"No it's my phone, what are you guys doing in there anyways?" SinB asked coldly.

"Uh...nothing, come inside" he moved out of the doorway for SinB to enter.

"Yerin someone is here for something!" Natsume shouted up the stairs.

"Follow me" Natsume led SinB into Yerins room.

"SinB? Back already?"

"Yeah I forgot my phone"

"I noticed. Your friend Eunha kept calling and texting you. Sorry I couldn't help but look at the messages" Yerin apologized.

"It's fine I understand"

"Goodbye then, SinB" Yerin waved.

"Actually I need to talk to you...alone" SinB looked at Natsume, signaling him to leave the room. Once he was gone SinB put her straight face back on. Once again, she had her cold aura.

"Why is he here?" SinB asked coldly.

"Are you jealous?"

"He cheated on his girlfriend! Why would you be with someone like him?!"

"You don't understand SinB. Stop assuming"

"Stop assuming? Are you on fucking crack?! You're the one that told me!"

"That's not why he's here! He needs my help with something"

"You're really gonna help him?"

"I still like him..."

"...what about me?"

"What about Eunha?"

"What are you talking about? She's just my friend and you know that"

"That's not what the messages say on your phone" SinB instantly checked the messages Eunha sent.

EH: Hey baby ❤️😁
EH: answer me Eunbi 🖕🏻
EH: you're gonna regret it 😏
EH: I'll take your birthday gift back 😡
EH: I won't love you anymore 😈

"Yerin it's not what you think. She's just playing around and she always calls me baby since me and Umji are the youngest among them"

"Just go okay?"

"No! I want an answer, why are you with him?"

"It's not your business"


"She said go!" Natsume came back into the room. SinB finally lost her cool.

"Don't tell me what to do!" SinB jumped on Natsume.

"Get off me! You're crazy!" Natsume struggled to push SinB off him while she kept hitting him over and over again.

While they were fighting Eunha was patiently waiting in the car. As SinB got more aggressive Natsume fought back. Yerin cried while telling them to stop but they wouldn't listen.

"You piece of shit!" SinB spit on him.

"You little ugly freak!" Natsume yelled back. Yerin pulled SinB off him and held her back.

"SinB stop!"

"Why does everything bad have to happen to nice people?!" SinB pushed Yerin away from her and grabbed her phone before leaving.

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