Chapter 49

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Arias POV

My eyelids feel very heavy, but I'm able to open them slowly. My eyelashes flutter. I start to look around the room. It's so dark in here. No windows. As I try to move my body, I hear a metal like sound. I look at my wrists. I'm chained up. My body is sitting on an old mattress. Just a mattress and a chair in the corner, that's all that lays in this room.

I lay down. It's so cold. I realized that I've been undressed. Now I'm only wearing my under garments.

"So cold." I mumble. A shiver is sent down my spine. Where am I? This can't be real, this can't be happening to me. I can hear multiple footsteps behind the door. I have to get out of here. I try to get up, but my body is too weak.

Tears begin to come out of my eyes. Why is this happening to me? Who has taken me? I'm so confused and in so much pain.

"Someone help me." My voice comes out too quiet. I feel like I can't speak, like I can't move. I feel powerless.

My eyes begin to feel heavy again and they completely close. Everything is dark again.


"Do we have to go swimming again?" I whine.

"Yes" he nods.


"Because you're in New York City, you're with me, you're bored, and have nothing better to do." He teases.

"Haha and I do to have better things to do." I tell him.

"But you're here with me. What does that tell you?" He does make a very good point.

"That I'm trying not to die. I mean you're the one who said that I need to be protected and you can protect me, right?" I cross my arms.

"Always." He tells me.

"And that is why we're postponing the motorcycle lessons. I don't want my headstone to read Aria Torres she tried to ride a motorcycle. That would just be depressing." I tell him and he laughs.

"Hey, you weren't that bad for your first lesson. I mean you are the first person I've ever tried teaching how to ride a motorcycle. I think that you could've be worse." He says.

"Wow, thanks." I say sarcastically.

"Don't be offended. I mean you did almost fall off trying to get on." He laughs at me and I slap his arm.

"Ooh. Ouch, that totally hurt." He says, sarcasm clear in his voice.

"Don't make fun of me. You'll regret it." I say.

"Yeah. I'm sure a small, petite thing like you can cause some serious damage to me." He jokes.

"First of all I'm not small." I say.

"Aria you're like five foot three." He laughs. I gasp.

"How dare you! I'm five foot five." I say.

"Okay and I'm six foot two. Big difference, shortie." He says.

"Yeah, nine inches. Wow. Such a big difference." I roll my eyes.

"Okay. Whatever. Ready to jump?" He asks.

"I'm not jumping. I can walk down there. I'll go for a swim, but no jumping. How do I get down there?" I ask as I look around the waterfall.

"The only way is to jump. Of course you can go through those rocks by the waterfall, but that's just setting yourself up for death." He says.

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