Chapter 33

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Another week passed. Now, Tom can say that he is ready to talk to Hermione. Yes, it took him this long to pack up his Gryffindor courage. He sent Hermione a note, telling her to meet him in the Astronomy Tower. He’s been waiting for ten minutes, he doesn’t really know if she’ll show up.

Hermione spent her days crying in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. All the talk, the rumours, yes her friends protects her, but she can’t stop wondering why they, the other students, thinks of her like that. She tried to convince her friends that she’s okay, that she doesn’t care about what other people think, and it looks like Ginny was the only one who noticed the lie. Or if they did noticed, Ginny was the only one who told her that she’s lying.

I know you’re not okay. You can tell me anything ‘Mione. I may not be you’re vest friend but I’m still your friend. I know everyone can tell that you’re not okay, and I know they all want you to feel okay. I’m your friend ‘Mione, tell me anything, cry in my shoulder, shout your lungs out, if it would make you feel better, do it.” Ginny’s gentle words rung in her mind. No one really saw her cry. No one alive, Myrtle saw her, and she comforted her, like she did every time she sees her cry.

Gin, I--- I just feel so, alone? Empty? All the rumours, they make me hate myself. And I do hate myself. I hate what I did. And I hate what I want to do. I want to, I want to,” she chuckled. “I don’t really know what I want. All I know is that, I want to be happy.”

Ginny held her close, and whispered, “You will be, ‘Mione. You’ll be happy.”

Since the rumours started, she tried to walk in the corridors without paying attention, she succeeded. But she gave up eating in the Great Hall after five days. She eats alone, but most of the time, Ginny is with her. Harry sometimes joins them, but he mostly tries to cheer up Ron. She’s okay with that; she doesn’t want Ron to feel like their friends are choosing her.

She noticed that Ron have been skipping classes. And every time he does, she feels even guiltier than she’s supposed to.

She’s now in their dormitory when an owl flew and dropped a letter in front of her. She picked it up and saw the neat handwriting. She wonders who it is from; since she doesn’t know anyone with that neat handwriting. She read;


I’ve been packing the courage to talk to you, and I find it hard, maybe that’s why I’m not in Gryffindor. I noticed that you weren’t eating in the Great Hall, I hope you are eating.

I want to meet up with you, if it’s okay. I’ll be waiting in the Astronomy Tower, before dinner.

~ Tom

So it’s from Tom. Will she go?

Hermione and Harry: Riddle in Time (Tomione/Harmione) UNEDITED Where stories live. Discover now