II. Separation

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Two Years Later
Angelica Evans: Age 10

I lay on the huge bed, hugging my large white unicorn. Sometimes, I miss my teddy bear. I wonder if Mister Peanut is okay. A small smile crosses my lips as I remember my blue-eyed prince.

He is probably taking good care of Mister Peanut.

Closing my eyes, I snuggled deeper into my bed and started dreaming about my prince.

"How can you do this to me?!" Mommy yelled.

It must be another fight.

Mommy and Daddy have been fighting a lot since I turned nine. They pretend everything is okay in front of me, but it's hard not to notice how Daddy always comes back late at night. How mommy sits outside, curling herself up into a ball and crying her heart out.

Pushing off the fluffy blanket, I jumped off my bed. Carefully, I open the door and scan my surroundings. I walked down the massive hallways, looking at each photo I passed.

Mommy and Daddy look so happy back then. As I passed more photos, I realized how, in each shot, the smiles were more and more forced.

I miss Mister Peanut.

Getting closer to the screams, I started tip-toeing. I crouched down and placed my head between the rails, looking at my parents and a blonde lady.

"You told me you wouldn't do it again!" Mommy screamed.

Daddy stood there with his arms crossed. "You know you're lucky, right?"


"You were nothing but a poor waitress until I married you. Why can't you be like my friend's wives? Spend my money and go shopping. Go on exotic trips. I'm not asking for much. All you had to do was turn a blind eye to my sexual affairs. I didn't ask you to cook dinner at night. I didn't ask you to wait for me until I finish work. I didn't-"

Mommy hit Daddy in the face.

When I see Mommy cry, my chest and tummy don't feel right. It's like when I got sick, but a lot worse.

"I forgave you once a year ago, don't think I will forgive you again," she spat out and walked away.

Daddy grabbed Mommy's wrist and pulled her back, "Sweetheart, you are making a mistake."

"No, the biggest mistake in my life is marrying you," she shouted and pulled her wrist away. She ran upstairs but stopped when she saw me.

I stood up and held her hand, walking her to my bedroom. Looking back, Daddy walked out the front door holding the blonde lady's hand.

I remember a kid in class talking about this once.

Daddy walked out on us.

When Mommy and I got back into my room, I took her to my bed and pulled the blanket over her. After I finished, I crawled inside, hugging her.

"Sorry, pumpkin, you weren't supposed to see that," she whispered.

I held her shirt tighter, "Daddy did something bad, didn't he?"

"Yes, he did," she whimpered.

"Mommy, are you not happy with Daddy?" I asked.

Her eyes look red, "Sorry, pumpkin, but mommy isn't happy."

I lay there, while Mommy held me tightly and continued crying. I listened to her cries echoing throughout the empty mansion until she fell asleep.

When I woke up, Mommy was gone.

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