IX. Sealing the Deal with a Kiss

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I stared at him for a second before a laugh escaped. I'm not humored, frankly a bit scared. "I'm sorry, but did you say, wife?"

"Yes," he replied emotionlessly, as his grip tightened around my waist.

"Wife?" I repeated once more, unable to believe my own ears.

He nods, "Yes, wife."

I pushed him back, but I knew he purposely backed away, "W.I.F.E?" I spelled out each word, emphasizing it with my hands.

Putting his hands in his pocket, he puckers his lips, "If that's how you spell wife, then yes."

Closing my eyes, I inhale a deep breath, opening them once more. "A married woman considered in relation to her spouse?"

"Yes, I believe that is the definition of the word wife."

I started pacing back and forth as his eyes followed me. "You want me to be your wife, and you will be my husband?"

"Yes, I'll be your husband."

"Okay, wait let me get this stra-"

"This is getting ridiculous. I want you to be my wife. My spouse, darling, partner, mate, woman, bride, wifey, sweetheart, significant other, Mrs. Winston-"

Standing there, my arms flapped to the side, staring at him as he continued listing a bunch of words related to the term wife. "Why?!" I screamed, and he stopped talking.

A nurse places a finger on her lips, shushing us, or more precisely, me as she ogles toward Anthony. Scanning the room, all the females were hypnotized by his elegant manners and striking features.

He pulled down his tie subtly running a hand through his pitch-black hair, and I heard some woman releasing moans of pleasure.

He folded his arms and straightened his broad back. "Because I fell in love with you at first sight."

My mouth gaped open, unable to grasp his words, "What?"

"I love you," he said, staring at me as he lifted a hand, caressing my cheekbones with his thumb.

The beating in my heart elevated to a roaring storm. Staring into his seductive blues, it was a bottomless abyss - dangerous and inviting. One tiny step and I would fall in, unable to escape.

"Excuse me," a doctor said, snapping me out of my trance. I realized we were standing in the middle of the hallway. I mumble an apology and step aside, letting him pass.

Grabbing his sleeve, I took him towards a more excluded area to continue our conversation. "Look Mr.Wins-"

"Anthony," he quickly corrected me.

Closing my eyes, I nod, "Look, Anthony, I know we had this exceptional moment in the restaurant earlier, but it was simply a moment. You are making an irrational decision right now."

He leaned back on the wall, twisting his slim legs. "Really? Because I feel like I'm quite rational."

"You are asking a woman you just met merely -" I grab his watch and look at it, "three hours ago to be your wife."

"Love has no time constraint. Time doesn't measure how you feel about someone. When you know you love someone, you know."

From his elegant speech, I knew he came from a well-educated background.

"Love." His voice grew huskier as he straightened himself out.

"It's spontaneous," he said, taking a step closer to me.

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