Chapter 12: The Premiere

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After a few moments of hugging, and tears and laughter, Matthew motions for someone. A man and a woman emerge from behind separate bushes, each holding a camera. 

"Kaylie, meet Anna and Kent, they work on the camera crew for the show and happily agreed to capture tonight's festivities," Matthew says.

We spend the next 45 minutes taking photos on the rooftop. All of a sudden the elevator dings and the door opens. Out steps AJ, Kirsten, Paget, Joe, Thomas, and Shemar. The girls quickly rush over to me and envelope me in a tight group hug. The men shake Matthew's had and give him congratulatory pats on the shoulder. One of the waiters from earlier this evening shos up with a bottle of champagne. Thomas pops open the bottle and we all grab a glass. Shemar and AJ make toasts the newly engaged couple and Matthew makes a toast to me. Anna and Kent continue to capture the night in photos and videos. It's about 2 am when we all enter the elevator. I'm half asleep head resting on Matthew's shoulder, Kirsten visibly intoxicated has her arms wrapped around Shemar. The others make small talk on the ride to the ground floor. 

We say our goodbyes as the valet pulls our cars up one by one. Joe leaves first, a handshake for Matthew and a kiss on the knuckles for me along with one last congratulation. Thomas leaves next also shaking Matthew's hand and giving me a hug. Paget and AJ leave together in Paget's car, both giving Matthew and me one last congratulation hug. Kirsten said a very loud, slurred, goodbye before giving us both tight hugs between her giggles, Shemar gives me a tight bear hug and Matthew a quick bro hug before getting in the car to drive Kirsten home. When the valet pulls up with Matthew's car, Matthew opens the door for me and assists me into the passenger seat, he quickly walks around and enters the driver's seat before heading back home. 

I am asleep before we make it back, so Matthew goes straight to his house. He gently picks me up out of the car and carries me inside straight up to the guest bedroom. He pulls the covers back with one hand as the other holds me tightly to his body. He lays me down and removes my shoes. He goes over to "my" dresser and pulls out a pair of pajama shorts and one of his t-shirts that I love sleeping in and a pair of mismatched fuzzy socks. he puts the socks on me first, knowing how I hate the feeling of bare feet against bed sheets. He gently turns me over and unzips my dress, being careful not to wake me. He carefully slides my arms out of the long lace sleeves and pulls the dress down over my body. I groan a bit and move slightly, but I stay sleeping. Matthew slips the shorts and T-shirt onto me, but not before taking a moment to admire my nearly unclothed body. If I were awake for this, I'm sure I would be glad I wore my best undergarments. Matthew pulls the covers up to my shoulders and places a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"I love you so much Kaylie, I will love you forever and always," Matthew whispers. He dims the lights and leaves the room, leaving the door cracked behind him. 

I wake up late the next morning, the sun shining through the curtain. I get up and look down at my left hand. My 4th finger is adorned with a beautiful rose-gold ring. Late night wasn't a dream. I go to the guest bathroom for my normal morning routine. As I enter the hallway I notice the house is quiet so I tip-toe over to Matthew's door, which was also cracked. I peek inside and Matthew is sprawled out across his bed. I open the door and run in and hop on the bed. 

"Wake-up sleepyhead!" I shout. Matthew groans.

"Good morning future Mrs. Gubler," Matthew says. I can't help but smile and giggle as Matthew sits up, wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me down on top of him. " I hope you don't mind I put you in the guestroom or that I changed you, I just figured you would sleep better in PJ's" 

"That's where I sleep when I stay overnight and it's fine, sleeping in that dress would not have been comfortable," I say. "What do you want for breakfast?" I ask. 

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