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After the phone call, I tell Yuri I need to go somewhere. He accepts it anyways.

And now, I'm walking to Hosu City Police Station. I thought about taking a ride but then I decided to just walk since it's kind of an exercise.

When I arrived, I told at the counter that I need to see Sheriff Horibe and he showed me his room. And so, I take a deep breath and walk in.

"Yes?" he says. He looks like a man in his mid-40s and he had his grey-ish hair combed back. He has a moustache and he really does looks like a sheriff.

"Um . . . I'm Yulia. Yulia Plisetsky. You, uh, called me."

"Ah, yes. Have a seat." He nodded towards the seat in front of him. "I'm Sheriff Horibe and I'd already called Mrs. Naomi to come and she's on her way. Let us wait for her to--"

The door to his office swings open and there, stand a tall, beautiful woman with short brown hair and green eyes. She's wearing a blouse under her cardigan and a black pencil skirt. She had a scarf on too.

"Speak of the devil." The sheriff gestures the seat next to me for the wife to sit.

"Miss Yulia. This is Naomi Aki, Mr. Mori's wife." I nod my head and glance at her. She smiles as if I wasn't the person who almost killed her husband.

"Now, since everyone's here, shall we start?"

He went over my name, birthday and place of residence before the real questioning started. "Yesterday, you were at the same place as the accident happen. Do you remember anything?"

"I was running on the sidewalk until I heard a car horn and a tire screech behind me. I thought he was aiming at me."

"Do you remember the last time you saw his face, when he was still conscious and unhurt?"

"His alive face?"

"Yes. We need to know if he really did it on purpose, tried to crash into you."

Mrs. Naomi was about to protest but shuts her mouth, realizing it was the best option to listen first.

"His face, it was kind of alert. Like, panic and at the same time, a warning, I guess." I try to remember his face as best as I could. Sheriff Horibe scribbled something on his notepad.

"What happened, exactly? Why aren't you hurt?"

I knew this question would come and I really don't want to tell.

"I, uh, I'm . . . I blocked it."

Both faces look at me with a confused look.

"How?" For the first time, Mrs. Naomi speaks up. Her voice is melodic yet soft like a loving mother's.

I take a deep breath. "I u-used my Q-Quirk to block myself . . ."

Shocked suddenly changed back to normal. People with extraordinary abilities had become a normal thing.

"That made sense," the sheriff nods and jots down in his note.

"Look, I didn't mean to trigger my Quirk," I try to defend myself. "It just happened too quickly that the first thing I thought was right to do was to block, instead of getting out of the way. And that what made me used my Quirk by accident."

"It's okay. I think you did the right thing to protect yourself."

"But it didn't protect other people. I won't use my Quirk again because I know it's deadly."

A moment of silent before Mrs. Naomi speaks again. "But you are a U.A. student . . . right?"

Surprised, I look at her. She continues, "If you feel like you're not protecting, then maybe you should take care of my children when I'm out of the house. Is that okay, sheriff?"

"Since Miss Yulia didn't kill your husband but caused his injuries and she is still in high school, it's right for her to pay his recoveries, which is quite a lot."

I cursed internally. Where am I gonna get money? Mrs. Naomi looks at me and smiles. What is up with the smiles? Does she even realize what situation she's right now?

"Don't worry, my dear. I'll pay the bills as long as you take good care of my children."

What in the goddamn is going on? Why isn't she mad?

"Well, if both of you agreed in good terms, I guess you have to follow."

After the session, I was immeadiately been told to come to her house to take care of her children while she goes grocery shopping.

She took me home herself and introduced me to her three children. Triplets. Two girls and a boy and they were around four years old. All of them have the same brown hair and grey eyes.

Ruri, Anri and Aoi were the names that were given for each.

After Mrs. Naomi explains the situation in a slight family-friendly to the triplets, she went out of the house again, leaving me and the kids that I need to babysit.

They look at me.
I look at them.
And they just stare at me.
And I stare back at them.

"Sooo . . ." I broke the silence.
"Are you a hero?" Ruri asks.
"Um . . . not yet."
"Do you have a Quirk?" Anri asks.
"Could you show us?" Aoi asks.

These kids . . . I don't know.

"Um, sure. But do you guys wanna eat?" I ask in a slight enthusiastic voice.

"Aww. . . What about your Quirk?"

"I'll show you the magic after you guys eat, okay?"

"Okay!" they say at the same time. Then, I made them pirozhkis with chocolate fillings and set them on the table. I call them, they eat with no complaints but they did praise my cooking. I sit across them while playing with my phone and checking on them time by time.

"Yulia-neechan, do you go to that hero school? U.A.?" Ruri suddenly asks after swallowing her fourth bite.

"Yeah. Why? Do you have any interest in going to that school?"

"Yeah! I do! I want to go with Anri and Aoi."

"Me too! I wanna go," Anri and Aoi say with their mouthful. I wipe their mouths with tissue and they say thanks.

"Do you guys have Quirks?" I ask but fox ears suddenly sprang out of their heads. Then, nine tails appear on each behind. Startled, I observe them carefully. And I try my best to not scream of their cuteness.

But I failed. "Aww~!"

"We're the nine tailed foxes. We have better hearing and smelling ability than humans. We can control our tails like this," one of Aoi's tail moves to my side and wraps itself around my arm. I touch it and it felt so fluffy. He releases me.

"That's so cool! Well, since you guys already showed me yours, I guess I have to show mine." The triplets cheered.

I extend my palm and create a butterfly.

"I can create butterflies that have other people's Quirks. I also can heal myself and others." They all awed, still staring at the butterfly. I create another two so they can each have one. They smile as they play around with their new gifts.

We talked and played until the time has finally come for me to go home. Mrs. Naomi thanked me and told me that I still need to come to her house and babysit her kids since she's usually out of the house to take care of her husband at the hospital. I didn't mind it and so, we exchanged phone numbers.

I wave them goodbye before I go home with Yuri.

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