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On Sunday afternoon, I got a phone call from Mrs. Naomi, telling me that she's going to the hospital so, I need to take care of her kids. I didn't complain because I didn't have any plans other than studying. So, I got ready and head off to her house.

"Be careful, Mrs. Naomi," I tell her.

"I will be. Take good care of yourself too," she says before leaving the house.

I play around with the triplets, playing with their toys, play pretend and show them some Quirk tricks. I'm already used to playing with my Quirk like they were toys than really using them. All thanks to Yuratchka.

A few hours had passed and it's already in the evening, Mrs. Naomi finally came home. I greeted her and she invites me to eat dinner with them. I hesitated but the triplets were excited. So, I couldn't turn them down. I accepted her invite and called grandpa, telling him I might be home late and doesn't need to make dinner for me. He's alright with it and hung up.

I help Mrs. Naomi in the kitchen and setting the table. Once everything's ready, I call out for the triplets and they all sit beside me while Mrs. Naomi sits in front of me.

"Yulia," I hear Mrs. Naomi says my name in a soft voice. "If you're wondering, I'm not that mad at you or have a grudge against you."

"What? Why?" I ask, confused.

"Because he's still breathing. And he woke up today!" she tells me with a big smile and she seems so happy.

She's really not mad at me?

She continues, "But if you did try to kill him or killed him, I might be sad and upset towards you."

"Mrs. Naomi . . . I don't know what to say. I . . . You're so kind. Too kind. I never met anyone that is this nice to me after I did something wrong . . . I'm so, so sorry. So, very sorry I did this to you. You don't deserve this," I struggle with my words, trying to hold back tears. I notice that she was even starting to tear up.

"It's okay. And, I'm sorry you never felt this feeling and I'd be honored to be your first."

"You are."

☆Todoroki's POV☆

I was walking down the hallway to the entrance of the building when suddenly, a red butterfly came out of nowhere. It wasn't just any butterfly. It looked magical, it leaves a trail of red shimmers behind it as it flew.

Since curiousity got the best of me, I follow it. The butterfly flew to the opposite direction of where I was going. It led me to the stairs that leads to the third floor. The butterfly is still going so I climb up the stairs.

It continues to lead me until I hear some noises. The closer I got, the louder they get. I finally make it out that they were melodic noises. No. Notes. Melodic notes. Someone was playing a song.

Now I follow the notes, even the butterfly was actually leading me there. Then, I stopped.

This song.


The memories hit me so hard I almost got a heart attack. Ludovico Einaudi, Nuvole Bianche.

The song I always hear in her room when I was training with my old man.

The song that always get cut off by screams.

I fast walk to the sound until I came across an opened door.

I stood there, shocked. She was playing it. She is playing it. Her black hair, her gentle fingers, her smile and her eyes were closed.


She whipped her head and abruptly shot up from her seat.


Mom? Why did she call me 'Mom'? She backed up, she was shaking terribly. Is she really that scared of me? Or is she scared if people found out about her?

Or did she thought that I'm her mom and she's scared of her?

"Wait! Are you . . . ?" I was about to ask her if she really is Kaori.

"Leave me alone!"

"Wait, Kao-- Y-Yulia! It's just me!" I stumbled with my words, not sure on which to call her.

Suddenly, more red butterflies came and start to circle around her. Then, she disappeared into thin air.

"Dammit!" I heard her voice behind me and immeadiately grabbed her wrist, almost freezing her.

"Stop it!" she yells again, crying as she weakly try to get out of my grasp.

"Yulia, calm down. It's just me. I won't do anything," I soften my voice. She drops down to the ground and I follow. I admit, I do feel bad for her right now but I'm worried she won't see anything with blurry eyes and messed up mind and would run off and might even involved in a car crash or something.

So, I lean closer and rub her back. She tries to hold in her tears.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. I didn't know . . . " I say guiltily.

After a minute, she says, "I'm sorry." Then, she took off running, leaving me alone.

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