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☆Todoroki's POV☆

I lie down on my bed while burrying my red face with my pillow.



Why did I kiss her?!

It did feel good but I was supposed to comfort her. Instead, I just went in and fulfill what I desire first.

I couldn't help the fact that I have weird feelings towards her since the first time I saw her. My chest would pound when I see her but when she smiles, it just calms me down. But now, she doesn't smile a lot. How am I gonna calm myself down when she, herself, is in depression?

I tried to train after she left--this time, she didn't run away. Instead, she nervously excused herself--but I keep thinking of her and the kiss. If I was training with my old man at that time, I would've kill myself rather than hearing him nag about me, not focusing.

I sigh, rolling over so now I'm staring up the ceiling.

How am I gonna face her tomorrow?

I keep thinking on what I should do, without realizing, I already closed my eyes and let myself dream of someone that can calm me. But her image won't leave me until soon, memories of us when we were kids came to greet me.


"Hmm?" she hums in response as she stirs the water with her finger.

The two kids were crouching in front of the lake while watching their reflection in the clear water.

"Why do you want to be a hero?" the boy asks. The girl stops what she was doing and looks into the boy's unique eyes. She smiles warmly.

"Father would be proud of me! He says he wants to see me save lives with a smile on my face!"

"What about you, Sho-chan?"

"I . . . I want to be like All Might," the flustered boy laughs nervously as he scratches the back of his head. "My dad wants me to surpass All Might and be the number one hero."

"There's no doubts in that! You are already awesome! You're a pro hero's son!"

"T-Thank you. But sometimes, being the child of a pro hero doesn't mean they are or will be the same."

"True but--Woah!" Someone, or something, pushed Kaori and she splashes into the water. Her clothes are all wet and little bit dirty. Both kids look up to see who pushed her, but it was only a snobby cat. Todoroki stands up with his fists clenched, ready to get revenge on someone who made his friend hurt. Though, Kaori laughs it off, making the angry boy calms down. He looks at her quizically as the cat trots away.

He approaches her. "Are you okay?"

Kaori looks at her friend's worried and concerned face. She was still smiling. His hand extends, ready to help her. She beams and accepts the offer.

"Unh~! I'm okay. Thanks!"

Once she gets up, Todoroki couldn't help but still feel worried. So, he leaps into her and gives a tight hug. Surprised, Kaori's face face turns red on how close he was.


"I won't let anyone hurt you!"

" . . . Sho-chan."

"I promise I'll protect you! I'll get our revenge on anyone who hurts you!"

"Thanks, but you don't have to. It isn't good to keep a grudge on someone."

Todoroki pulls away but his hands are on Kaori's shoulders. He gazes into her metallic silver and gold eyes. His eyes were full of hopes.

"Then, at least, let me protect you!"

She looks at him with shock written all over her face but immeadiately covers with a soft smile. She was touched by his promise.



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