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Me and Mila talked more about the sports festival. She swore to me that she would sneak in the stadium just to watch me.

"But only pro heroes and some other important people will be there to watch us," I remarked.

"And that's why I'm sneaking in!"

"Whatever. I'm not in charge if you get caught."

We talked more until suddenly, Mila asks me something unexpected. Something I didn't think about.

"Every U.A. Sports Festival has this one battle where you guys have to fight one another. A 1v1 Match. What would you do if you have to fight off against Todoroki?"

As soon as I heard that question, my mood changes to shock and worry. What would I do? I want to win but why do I want to win? I don't want to be a hero. So why do I even care of winning? Is it because of Father? Or I don't want to be humiliated?

Or that promise we made?

I realized I had stayed quiet longer than I thought when Mila tried to snap me out of my mind.



"You were out to dreamland again! You sure you okay?"

"Yeah. It's just, I didn't thought of that question."

She places her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry about it! You guys are still friends even after the fight. Just do what you have to do. You're gonna be fine."

For once, I feel like Mila is being useful.


The next day, I walked to school and saw so many people at the school gate.

Who are these people?

I try to ignore and just walk between them but someone stops me. A woman was shoving a microphone up my face. I assume that they were just nosey reporters.

"Aren't you a student here at U.A.? What is it like to be one of All Might's students?"

"What? Well . . . it's okay, I guess," I answer, unsure of what to say.

"Please tell us mo--"

"Excuse me!" Another reporter came. "Would you mind telling us how it's like to be in U.A.?"

"I already asked her that! And don't steal her right in front of me!" the female reporter retorts.

"She's not yours!"

Oh boy. Looks like they're gonna start an argument.

I look around to see if anyone's looking at my direction. Luckily, everyone is too busy trying to get an interview with some of the students here.

I was about to use my quirk and teleport but I see Deku, not far from me. He looks like he needs help. I walk over to him. Actually, let's correct that--I struggle to walk over to him.

Once I reached, I slip my hand between the cameramen and grab Deku's wrist. Then, I quickly trigger my quirk and in a second, we're already in front of the school building.

Superhuman|Todoroki Shouto X OCWhere stories live. Discover now