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After I ate with the girls from my class, Lyra, the butterfly, came back when I was disposing the leftovers. I went off to somewhere secluded and once I made sure no one was around, I started listening the recorded audio.

"So . . . What is it? What do you want to tell me?" I hear Deku's voice. "If we don't hurry, the mess hall will get crowded."

Silence. "Uhh . . ." Deku awkwardly mumble. I can almost feel the tension between these two guys even though this was a recorded piece.

"You blindsided me." Finally, Todoroki's voice was heard. "So much so that I broke my own pledge."

Wait! Is he gonna talk about 'that' to him? When we were kids, Todoroki would always come to me first.


Because he had no one back then. He was isolated.

Was I being used by him . . .?

"Neither Iida nor Yaoyorozu nor Tokoyami nor Uraraka . . . nor even Yulia ever felt it," he continued. I was on the verge of crying. "Only I felt it, that moment."

"So . . . what is it you want to say?" Deku asked nervously.

"I'm saying, the power coming from you is the same as All Might's. Midoriya, are you . . . All Might's secret love child or something?"



Secret love child?! There's no way! Would Deku really have the exact same Quirk as All Might's because they have love interests between each other? I mean, their Quirks are similar and Todoroki felt the same way he felt when seeing All Might up close . . . ?

Todoroki did point out that Deku manage to get All Might's eyes on him.

A few seconds of silence before Deku started stuttering uncontrollably to deny the whole 'love child' thing. I notice that he did say 'That's not it'. Then he does have some connections with the pro hero. I listen to Todoroki agreeing and noticing the same thing, too.

"You must know about my father, Endeavour. He's been the No. 2 hero forever now. If you're connected to the No. 1 hero, then that gives me more reasons to beat you."

I hate to say this, Todoroki, and I know you hate to hear it from me either, but you're starting to be like your dad.

I was so engrossed with listening to their conversation until I didn't realize that somebody was around.

"It's been far too long!" A powerful voice boomed. It sounded so close that I think they might be near the stairs. And I was standing around the corner at the bottom floor. I pause the recording. "We haven't talked since our little chat ten years ago, right?" He continued. "I just thought that I could give a shout since I saw you."

"I see. Are you satisfied then? Now, leave me." Another deep voice is heard. But that sour attitude sounds familiar. "You can take your tea some other damned place. I'm hitting the John, so be gone!"

Dash footsteps. Probably the nicer man wanted to stop the other one. "Why so cold, pal?!"
He continues, "Your son, young Todoroki was able to make a great showing even without using half of his power."

Son?! Todoroki?! Then, that was Endeavour! I knew it. That foul attitude is so easy to recognise.
Then, the other person must be All Might!

"You must have taught him quite well," All Might praises.

"What are you getting at?" Endeavour asks.

Superhuman|Todoroki Shouto X OCWhere stories live. Discover now