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(Two Years Later)


It was a big day for Father. It was his debut for his new classical song, Nuvole Bianche.

He was excited yet nervous. He wore his best suit and combed his hair nicely. He looks like a man who's getting married.

He and his family drove to the stadium where he will be playing his piano as music producers and audiences will be listening.

Once they arrived and the show was about to start, he kisses his daughter first.

"Watch me, okay?" he says to Kaori with a nervous smile.

Kaori looks into her father's worried golden eyes and comforts him, "You're gonna do amazing! Everyone will love it! There's nothing to worry about, Father."

That really did washes all of his worries. It was like everything her daughter says will always turn out right and he would never second guessed her.

"Thanks, my daughter. I love you to death." Then, he kisses her one last time and turns to his beautiful wife. He kisses her warm lips.

"Wish me good luck, love!"

"Good luck," the couple giggles. Then, he's off to the stage to perform.

The performance was going great until suddenly, a loud metal scrape sounded. Looking at the source of sound, it was one the stage lights. The rope was ripped and now the stage lights were falling.

Kaori's eyes widen as she saw blood splatter all over the stage and some on the audiences. The stage lights fell right on top of Father.

She couldn't believe her eyes. She saw everything. A few seconds later, the stage starts to catch on fire and the fire grew bigger every second. She couldn't just stand and watch. Her beloved father is burning to death, even if his body had turned to crisps, she had to go on the stage.

Just as she was about to run, someone already grab onto her. It was her mother.

"Don't look, Kaori!" she yells as she covers her daughter's silver and gold eyes. A second before her eyes were closed, she saw a glimpse of someone with bluish white hair. He wore a dark hoodie and under the shadow of his face, he had an evil grin as he mouthed, "Hi."

Then, darkness covered her view but only the sound of chaos was heard.

For a month, they mourn and cry. To let all of the problems go, Kaori tries to play the last song her father played on the piano.

She sits on the stool and hovers her hands over the piano keys. She takes a deep breath and let herself drown into the song.

The song Father taught.

The song when she met Todoroki.

The song Father played when he died.

Halfway through the song, the door creaks open and stood her mother.

Kaori didn't notice her nor the door so she continues but her mother stops her.

"Mom?" she says with a slight terrified tone.

She yanks Kaori out of the stool, making her fall onto the floor. Kaori lays there, processing of what just happened. But her mother grabs her by her hair and throws her own daughter at the wall, hard. At this point, Kaori had burst into tears of hurt and sad.

"Mom? Why did you do that?"

"Don't ever play that song again!" With that she bursts out of Kaori's room, slamming the door shut while the shattered girl stays hopeless on the floor, crying her heart out. She kept thinking; 'Why did she do that? Why did she hurt me? Does Mom loves me anymore?'

She let these negative questions flow around in her head as she unsuccessfully tries to get up.

The next few days and more bruises, Kaori stays inside. Mostly doing nothing but sometimes does the house chores if her mother is being alcoholic and always passes out.

She had stay inside for a month after the loss of Father. She couldn't get over the fact that he's gone. She keeps hallucinating and dreaming that he's there to help her, teach her and train her. But even if it was a hallucination, it felt so real that she actually improves on using her Quirks and learning new attack and defense moves.

After awhile of doing the chores, she decided to take a break when someone knocked on the front door. She peeks at the small door hole and see white and red hair.

Her eyes widen when she recognizes him. She thought back if she should answer or ignore. She doesn't want to show him her bruises and bandages. She doesn't want to just pretend like nothing happened because then he would always have a worried and concerned look. She doesn't want him to force her to spit it out.

So, the best choice was just to ignore him and act like no one's home. She lets him knock on the door a few times before he gives up and just leaves. All the time, she felt a huge pile of guilt hit her in her heart.

After she hears the footsteps getting further away, she sits on the ground, wrap her knees around and cry.

Years have passed, nothing had changed. Kaori's mom keeps on drinking and coming into her daughter's room and . . .

The little girl would earn bruises and wounds after her mother left.

But at least, when Kaori's arms and cheek bleed from being slashed with a knife from her mother, she discovers that she can heal herself but only wounds.

A thin red creature would suddenly come out of her wound and starts to suck the blood until wound closes and it go inside her body again. The more she researched, the thin red creatures inside her body were her red butterflies that haven't grown into a real butterfly yet.

Since Quirks were part of human's physical body, the red butterflies were created from her blood themselves. So, she mostly uses her blood to defend and attack. Now she knows about it, she needs to make sure she doesn't use too much or not, she might get a headache and faint cause of the loss of blood.

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