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(Play the music when the POV is changed to Todoroki's)


We stand on either sides of the battlefield and I literally have butterflies in my stomach. God, I'm so scared. Will he use his left side on me? Will I awaken my real quirk?

Am I even going to use any of my quirk   him? We did promise, didn't we?


My mind snaps and I expect Todoroki to attack me head on while I stood there and block or dodge--but he didn't. So, we ended up standing on our ground, not doing anything but stare at each other with layers of guilt and fear. My lip quivers as my breathing slowly becomes unsteady.


And with that, Todoroki hesitantly uses his ice quirk to attack me head on, but I can see that he has no plans or strategy to take me down. Either way, I move out of the way of the ice and I thought he was going to keep making ice attacks at me but surprisingly, he doesn't. I run towards him as I make butterflies that flutter to form a giant arrow. I pull my arm back and aim at him, still running. Then, I launch the arrow made out of butterflies at him but he runs away as the butterflies disperse and chase after Todoroki individually. When they got him cornered in his own ice wall, they form into the same giant arrow to attack him but Todoroki uses his fire to burn the butterflies. Luckily, once I notice he has burnt the first few of butterflies, I close my palm to retrieve my blood.

My heart pounds when I see him use it. He may have hesitated but still, he's serious with his words. Does he want me to use it with him or on him? Why does he want me to break my pledge so badly?

All of this makes me feel angry and so I leap at him bare-handed. My legs sling over his shoulders and I lock his head, turning back around so his body slams on the ground. I get up quickly and take a step back.

I did it. I gave the first blow. But oh god, I hurt him!

I am so scared and worried I almost run back for him to help him up.

"I can't do this . . . " I say unconciously while he slowly gets up. My hands make their way to where my heart is, hoping I could slow my heartbeat.

"You have to," Todoroki grunts, in a gentle tone. "We have to."

"But I can't possibly--!"

"Kaori," he sternly calls my name, now standing straight and strong as ever. "Trust me. I'm on the same boat. So, you're not alone."

"I don't want to hurt you." Once those words escape from my lips, I remember that day when I promised I won't use my quirk against him unless needed.

Is this needed?

I look at Todoroki and knew he was thinking the same memory. "Kaori, quit bringing up old memories. Now is not the time." I don't know what to feel by his words; hurt or upset. Why would he say that? Wasn't he the one who brings up our broken promises?

I was too caught up with my mind that I didn't realize Todoroki has made an igloo for the both of us. The cheering and Present Mic's commentings died down.

He says my name again but this time it was filled with tenderness and a hint of fear. He slowly takes a step closer, not breaking eye contact. He says my name again.

And again.

And again.

Finally, his lips quiver to say something else but immediately turn into a thin line. His cheeks burns up red. He opens his mouth again to speak.

Superhuman|Todoroki Shouto X OCWhere stories live. Discover now