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"First order of business," Eli whispered as we cautiously started to tiptoe down the stairs. "Never break out through a door, ever."

"Can I ask why?"

"Because windows are so much more exciting."

I huffed, ducking out of someone's view as we rounded a corner. "How do you even know where we're going? There are three many rooms in this place. And you do know that all of these windows are stained glass? They belong to a church— they don't open."

Eli didn't respond as he dragged me into a room that looked like an office. The hairs on my neck immediately started raising. "Eli, wher–"

"This is Robert Lightwood's office."

I immediately tried to run the other way, but he grabbed the end of my jacket and pulled me back. "Why the fuck are we in here?"

"Because," He shrugged and pointed at the two windows behind the desk. "Look."

"Are those windows not in every office?"

Eli gave me a look, asking if I was dumb. "Well of course they are. But I think breaking into Robert Lightwood's office makes things much more fun."

"Wha– we didn't even break in! The door was unlocked."

The green eyed boy considered my words for a moment, only to shrug in the end and grab my wrist, pulling me towards one of the windows. I was about to tell him that he was insane for the 100th time, but a voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Is someone in here? You're not allowed in the offices."

I didn't recognize the voice, but that didn't stop my eyes from going wide and pushing past Eli to unlock the windows. In an instant, it was pushed open and I was crawling through it, practically dragging Eli with me. I pulled it shut with a snap before immediately grabbing Eli's wrist and sprinting across the field, and behind one of the trees.

"Holy shit."

I spun around to look at Eli, my eyes wide in alarm. "What? What is i–"

"We totally just snuck you out of the church and entered very dangerous territory where the either of us could now be killed at any second."

The smile he had on his face while saying that made him seem like he belonged in an institute, but I couldn't help but grin back. "What badasses we are."

Elias rolled his eyes at me, but still kept the smile on his face. "Okay, this is your trip. Where to now?"

"I came for a distraction." I said, thinking back to the only reason I said I would go. "Where can I get one of those?"

Elias's green orbs gleamed with mischief in the moonlight. "Pandemonium it is."

✗ ✗ ✗

When Elias said we were going clubbing, I definitely had second thoughts, but 5 glasses of whatever he was serving me later, every concern that I had for the consequences of not being alert while outside the church, faded away.

It had started drizzling by the time Eli and I left. We left early– 11 something– because he didn't want to be out too late when something could happen to us. The last thing I wanted to do was leave, but I went along anyway.

"That was fun." I sighed through giggles as we rounded the block to where we could now see the church.

"How many glasses did you have?" Eli raised an eyebrow, putting an arm around me for support.

Hell's Angel✗ // JACE WAYLANDWhere stories live. Discover now