Tori and jades playdate pt.2

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I walked into nozu. I would much rather be at home.

"Jade!" Sikowits calls me over. I groan and make my way over to them.

"Okay, I'm here... why?" I ask as I took a seat beside tori. I'm still not happy with the way she talked about me.

"Because you two need to learn to play a husband and wife believably." Sikowits explains.

"What does that have to do with Sushi?!" Tori asked.

"Listen... I once did a show where I had to play a man in great pain, so to prepare, I threw myself down a flight of stairs." Me and tori raised our eyebrow. "You wouldn't believe how many times I hit my head." Sikowits finished.

"Yeah, we would." Tori said trying not to sound mean.

"We really, really would." I said agreeing with tori.

"Now, to prepare for your roles, you two must date. So have fun." Sikowits said just as he was about to leave.

"With what?" I said amused.

"Your date..." Sikowits said.

"What date?" Tori asked annoyed.

" This one. It begins now at... ...Seven-oh-twelve P.M. You two must stay here, eat, drink, chat, and giggle until the restaurant closes at midnight." He explains.  HA! If you think I'm waisting time with tori you can think again.

"Forget it... I'm leaving." I say putting my bag on my shoulder.

"Yeah, me too..." Tori agreed following my actions.

"Ah! If either of you leave before midnight, you both get an F for the semester." Sikowits says pointing fingers at us.

Tori looked annoyed and disappointed at the same time. I'm glad that she's happy.

"Sikowitz!" Tori groaned.

"It's fine. He's not gonna know when we leave." I say with a smirk.

"Oh, yes, he gonna. I have two spies watching you. Sinjin... ...And Burf." He says with a smirk.  I look around and spot them. Ugh!!!!!!
"Happy dating!" Sikowits says before skipping off.

"Excuse me? Hai! Yeah, my date and I were wondering. If you have a flight of stairs we could throw ourselves down?" Me and tori looked at each other. This is going to be a long night.


Tori was making this irritating sound when she eats her soup! My little brother does that! And he's six!

"Nooooooo!" I scream getting annoyed. "Worst night ever!" I complain.

"Ya think I'm having fun on this "date"? Because I am not." Tori says using her fingers as quotation marks.

"let's not talk then!" I yelled. A few people started to stare at us.

"Fine." Tori agreed. "Y'know..." Tori said but I cut her off.

"Ughhhhhh!" I moaned..

"There's no good reason why you and I shouldn't be able to sit here together. And have a conversation." Tori said.

"I got a good reason." I said annoyed.

"Which is...?" Tori asked.

"I don't like you!" I say.

"Really? You can't think of one thing that you like about me?" She says.

I think hard for a second...

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