Three girls and a moose pt.1

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hey guys, I'm so so so sorry that I haven't updated in almost a year. I've had a lot of stuff going on in my life that has distracted me from writing. ive also had no motivation to finish writing this book. however recently my phone has been flooded with likes and comments on every chapter ive posted. I want to say thank you to the people that are still reading after the long wait and to everyone who has supported this book. I decided to continue to finish the story as there is only a couple more chapters left and I owe it to you guys. thank you so much for all the support I have received it means all to me. I have also started writing a couple of new stories that I hope to publish after this book is completed. so there is something to look forward to after this story ends. thank you!

p.s I hope everyone is staying safe at home and enjoying themselves during quarantine.

Jade's pov:

I knocked on Lane's office door. Waiting for another boring meeting, about my self harming.

Honestly how does he think This is going to help me?

"Come in." He yelled. I rolled my eyes and pushed the door open.
"Hey jade." Lane smiled at me as I entered his office.

"Hi." I Said as I say down on the light brown couch.

"So how was your week so Far? Have u harmed yourself?" He asked seriously.

"The same. And what if I did." I challenged rolling my eyes at him.

"Jade. Harming yourself isn't the answer. I know your hurting, but try focusing that on something else Other than your wrists. Like writing a play or a song." He suggested. I rolled my eyes annoyed.

"Don't you think I've already tried that?" I yelled.

"Don't yell. Calm down." Lane sighed.

"NO! Don't tell me to calm down! Don't you dare tell me to calm down! Your think these stupid meetings are helping me? Well news flash! There not." I screamed, I stood up and stormed out of the room.

This is all beck's fault! If he hadn't stuck his stupid nose in where it didn't belong I wouldn't be in this mess! Now lane knows! Now my parents know! I can't do anything without people keeping an eye on me! I'm sick of it! This is all beck's fault!  I'm going home. I'm not staying any longer.

As I stormed through the halls madly, I bumped into Beck.

"Wow wow wow. What's wrong!" Beck asked worriedly.

"THAT'S NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS OLIVER!" I Yelled. I glared at him quickly before walking past him.
The next day at school...

"I have exciting news!" My overly happy English teacher said with a huge smile plastered on her face.
"Project time!" She clapped her hands, earning a groan from the class.

"But mrs. We did a project last month. It's not fair. I already have homework from every other lesson!" A blond girl seated at the back of the class whined. I think I recognize her.... yeh. She was the one who continuously flirted with Beck all the time. Bitch.

"Well miss Williamson. You better hurry and complete your homework so you can make a start on your project." Mrs Andrews smirked.

"You must create a poem about emotions. For example." She coughed slightly. And brushed her hair behind her shoulders.
"A smile is a cup of tea,
Which you can have all day, with some biscuits,
Waiting for you in the tray,
a smile is an act,
Which you can preform all the time,
With lots of fun,
You will be happy all the time,
A smile you see on someone's face, you too want it on your face,
Because the happy you feel,
The more you need,
To have a smile." Mrs Andrews smiled.

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