Chapter 2

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Just so you guys know for most of the medical stuff it's mostly just copy and paste from the online script. X

Second Chances


Kate Allister made her way up to the tailgate joining the rest of her  colleagues who were relaxing in the San Antonio sun before starting their 12-hour shift.

Krista and Paul sat talking, Drew over practicing fighting with Kenny, TC was relaxing in the pool on his phone, and when I say pool I meant paddling pool, like the one you put your 3 year old into when you're teaching them to swim. Topher said beside him in a chair giving out to T about money and betting and Jordan was strolling around with a bottle of water in her hand as she walked up to the 2 friends who sat fighting.

Kate quickly joined the trio.

Both Jordan and Kate greeted each other and then the duo.

''Do you just look for opportunities to take your shirt off?'' Jordan asked.

'' I remember when you used to look for opportunities for me to take my shirt off.'' TC replied smirking.

''I remember walking in on one of those opportunities.'' Topher cut in and Kate laughed.

''You think maybe you could show me a modicum of respect - as your boss?'' Jordan asked.

'' Only when we're on duty,'' TC replied.

The 2 women looked at each other obviously having the same idea in mind. They each took one of TC's shoulders and pushed him under the water.

''Pleasure doing business with you Doctor Alexander,'' Kate spoke sticking her hand out.

''Anytime Doctor Allister,'' Jordan replied, shaking her hand and with that, the 2 left.

''I think she's still into you,'' Topher spoke. TC gave him a look he quickly went back to his phone.

Kate headed downstairs to get changed as she didn't have any part of her uniform on. The young Allister was just placing her scrub top on when Molly bust in.

''Sorry Kate but we got an accident outside.''

''Coming '' The doctor replied. She quickly threw her stuff into her locker and closed the door before running into the ER.

''Penetrating neck trauma, zone two! GCS 1-1-1! Place two large bore IVs, set up for intubation.'' Topher called out. Kate quickly grabbed gloves to join them.

''Guarding in the left lower quadrant. Tell CAT scan we're coming as soon as he's tubed.'' TC spoke before Molly called him out, something about an officer involved in a shooting.

''Go, TC. We got things here.''Kate assured him. Topher them left to go and fill out his chart, when he returned we were bringing him to the OR. The nurse pulled back the curtain and he said.

''Turns out our friend here tried to rob a gas station, and the attendant wasn't having it.'' He handed the nurse the chart.

''Ok so we get him up to the OR and tell the cops they can have him for questioning in a few hours.'' Kate told the nurse and she left.

The procedure was simple, thank god and now she was just doing one more check before closing him up. Then the intercom came on.

''Kate it's Nick Woods. TC needs your help.'' Topher spoke. The name rang a bell in the young Allister's head, Nick had been over seas with all of them and when he needed a heart, TC gave him Thad's. So she knew this case was personal to the Callahan, knowing that some part of his brother still lives on.

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