Chapter 30

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By Dawn's Early Light

6:29 pm

''Uhhh.'' I groaned throwing a crumpled up piece of paper against the wall. 

''Wow what bite you in the ass.'' Tee asked as he walked into my office. I shot in a dirty look. ''Right not a time to make jokes. Where'd you go? You were gone when I woke up.''

''I've been here for 3 hours.'' I answered turning back to all my notes and the computer screen. 

''3 hours? Kate, what are you up to?'' He questioned as he walked over and placed his hands on my shoulders. ''I haven't seen so many notes since med school.'' 

''I'm looking for a cure for that girl I was telling you about.'' I explained as I put down my pen.

''The girl with polio. Kate you know there's no cure for that.'' 

''Yeh well there was no cure for a lot of things.'' I snapped back at my fiancee before realizing what I had done. ''Sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. It's just she's so amazing Tee. She's smart, funny, kind. She wants to be a doctor. She reminds me of-''

''You.'' TC finished. 

''Yeh.'' I smiled.

''Well if your this passionate we'll find a way.'' TC promised.

''Thank you.'' I turned my chair around before TC leaned down and connected our lips. After our short kiss, I spoke. ''Come on let's go.'' I locked my computer and we headed out to the nurse's station. 

''Listen up, people! We have a fireworks fiasco out at Woodlawn Park. 9-1-1 operator says it's an active situation. Expect casualties.'' Topher called out as we arrived.

''Uh, Drew's out there.'' Jordan pointed out.

''I'm sure he's already helping.'' Topher assured her. ''Jordan, you're in charge. TC, Kate, you're coming with me. Chopper will have us there in 10 minutes.''

''I'll call the pilot.'' Tee spoke as Topher threw us our bags and we caught them.

''I already did.'' Topher replied before heading for the door. Tee and I didn't hesitate before following him. 


We reached the festival site in just under 10 minutes. We got off quickly and made our way to where all the people are. 

''Drew.'' Topher yelled as we ran down the hill spotting my brother before Tee or I could. 

''Dr Topher Zia, Dr TC Callahan from my hospital. And of course my sister, Dr Katelyn Allister.'' Drew introduced us to who I assume in Syd. ''This is Dr. Syd Jennings, the orthopedist I worked with at Bagram.''

''It's a pleasure.''

''Heard good things.''

''What happened?'' I asked Drew and Syd.

'' Fireworks meant for the end of the concert went haywire in the middle. Got lots of potential blast injuries.'' Syd explained.

 ''You guys, take your patients, we'll stay. Chopper's right over the hill. Send it right back when you land.'' Topher told them. 

''Okay, great. Uh, hey, wait a minute. What about Syd? She doesn't have privileges.'' Drew asked.

''Privileged.'' Topher said as he made the sign of the cross in front of Syd's face.

''I'll e-mail the board. Just go.'' With that, the pair left us.

''Topher, we need to set up a triage.'' I told him.

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