Chapter 11

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Back at the Ranch


The night shift had started on 15 minutes ago and I had already seen 2 patients already. I already feel like it's gonna be a crazy night. And tonight is Drew's night off so once resident down already.

"Molly he's fine now. Get his discharge papers and he's good to go." I spoke stepping out from behind a curtain.

"Okay Kate." As I walked towards the nurses station I could see Tee hugging a man that was covered in blood holding a purse. I presume that was the husband of the woman who came in with bullet in her abdomen. Judging by the man's tears and TC's face I could tell it didn't go well.

T hasn't lost someone in a really long time. He has to be taking this really hard.

TC headed into the break room when the man left. I went and grabbed a coffee before joining him. When I walked in he had a pair of earphones in with the music blaring and throwing a pool ball up in the air before catching it again.

"Hey." I spoke. No reply. "Tee" he lifted his head. "Want some company." He just put his head back down.

I sat down beside him and he removed his earphones and stood up.

"I've seen a lot of people die, ya never get used to it but ya learn to deal with it" he spoke for the first time since I walked in.

"T, you did everything that you could." I replied.

"See if I did everything I could then I would've saved him. Ya see the look on the husband's face. I'm responsible for someone else's death." T stopped talking when Kenny walked in.

"Hey, party outside of Yoku, high school kids abusing drugs and multiple injuries. Paramedics jut arrived and Gwen says there's one patient she can't move. She asked for you T." Kenny explained.

"I got it." He replied. He left to grab his stuff and I quickly followed.

"Hey T remember you can only do your best."

"Let's hope it's good enough." And with that he left.

I watched as T left but a woman with very heavy makeup, a long pink dress and a crown that sat sideways on her head walked in.

"Hey look." I told Kenny.

"Can you-." That was all said before collapsing.

"Well we should probably see what that's all about." I spoke before running to her.

"A gurney here please" Kenny shouted. We got her into a room straight away.

''BP is 90 systolic, heart rate's up to 120, and her glucose is 168.'' Kenny read off.

''Okay, well, she's not hypoglycemic, but her heart rate is out of control.'' I spoke.

''I've a patient Kate, call me if you need me.'' Kenny said leaving.


''Hola, cuál es tu nombre?'' I asked what her name was.


''Sandra.'' I repeated, then pointed to myself. ''Dr. Allister. Uh, por favor, puedes cambiar su vesitdo?'' I asked if she wanted to change out of her dress into a gown.

''No, no thank you. I want to leave my dress on.'' She replied.

''Okay. So you speak English. Um, well, we need to do an EKG, so we're gonna need you to trade this gown for this gown. Sorry. All right. Let's see what we got here. Okay, Sandra. Are you currently on any medication? Any pain?'' I asked as she started getting weird as I check her heartbeat.

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