Chapter 26

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The Way Back.

7:21 pm

Tonight was just like any other shift. After it's over I get to see Drew as he is home today but I doubt he's gonna come straight to work. Even though I know I would. Also, tonight was Topher's mom's last night in San Antonio so she wanted to go to a casino and Topher asked Tee to go with him.

So far a wedding party has come in. Groom had a sprained wrist, the father of the bride had a head laceration and angulated wrist fracture. The bride had a possible C-spine injury and was currently in CT.

''Hey nurse can you help me.'' A male voice called from curtain one. I turned from my conversation with Jordan and Shannon to look at them. ''My leg really hurts.'' The other guys around him tried to hide their laughter.

''You can have that one,'' I told Shannon patting her shoulder. There was clearly nothing wrong with him.

''Sure after my next patient.'' She replied before walking away in one direction followed by Jordan.

''Hey Jordan.'' A very familiar voice called and one I didn't expect to see or hear for another couple of hours.

''Hey.'' Drew didn't even see me as he and Jordan hugged.

''What am I chopped liver,'' I asked standing with my arms crossed.

''Hey Kate.'' He spoke turning to face me. I gave him a massive hug. God, I missed him so much. Longest 4 months of my life. ''Catch up later.''

''Sounds good,'' I replied before turning away. I could hear Drew asking about Crystal, the bride, as I walked away.


After giving a surgical consult I headed back to the nurse's station with the file. I sat behind the desk and as I did shouting could be heard from Crystal's dad's room. Suddenly he burst out of his room with a scalpel and was followed by Kenny and Drew. He came in behind the nurse's station and I jumped out from behind the counter.

''Everyone stay away. Get back in the rooms.'' Drew shouted causing everyone but the 3 of us and Jorge to clear out.

''What happened.'' I asked standing beside the 2 guys.

''I don't know he just went crazy.'' Kenny explained.

''Please put the scalpel down.'' Drew asked. Suddenly he put the blade to his head and made a small cut. He moved out from behind the desk and down the hall slightly.

''Get them out of me!'' Jorge screamed pointing to his head.

''Jorge, we will.'' Drew promised. Out of nowhere, he lunged towards me with the blade and I ducked leading to him getting Kenny in the shoulder instead. Then Drew grabbed Jorge and got the scalpel of him.

''Get me some restaints.'' Drew shouted as I applied pressure to Kenny's shoulder.

''Don't move.'' I told him as he began to sit up. We go Kenny into a room and took his nurse's scrub top off. I then began to stitch him up. ''Sorry Kenny.'' I said in the middle of threading the stitches.

''Sorry? Sorry for what.'' He asked.

''Diving out of the way. It was an army reflect. I didn't realize you were so close behind me.'' I explained.

''Kate stop. If you weren't there I still would have tried to stop him. Probably still ended up in this situation. '' He told me smiling as I threaded his last stitch. Molly's head then popped through the door.

''Kate, Jordan needs a cardiac surgery consult in Trauma 2.'' She spoke.

''Okay, on my way.'' She smiled before leaving. ''Gotta go. Listen don't throw yourself at any more scalpels tonight okay.''

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