Chapter 14

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7:37 pm

''Dr.Callahan and Allister to nurse's station. Dr. Callahan and Allister to nurse's station.'' The intercom called. I headed to the nurse's station and was met with Drew and TC. 

''Me or you.'' I asked.

''Me.'' Drew replied as they were handed the equipment and left. 

''Hey Kate. Woman came in about 5 minutes ago asking for you. She's in the waiting room.'' Molly spoke over the desk.

''Kay, thanks Molly.'' I headed into the waiting room and looked around for any familiar faces. Then I spotted Ms. Johnson. 

''Hey what are you doing here.'' I asked walking over. She seemed in a world of her own.

''Ms Johnson.'' Then she started to breath very heavily and grabbed her chest before she hit the ground I caught her. I lay her down gently.

''Get me a gurney now.'' We quickly rushed her to Trauma 1. Jordan soon joined.

''What do we got.'' She asked.

''Female. Mid 50 to early 60's. She's an ex-professor at a med school. Trouble breathing. Butterfly rash across the nose and under eyes-''

''And skin lesions.'' Jordan cut me off as we removed her jacket. Then she crashed.

''Get a crash cart in here now.'' I shouted as we pulled down her top and placed the pads on. 

''Charging to 200.'' Jordan spoke. ''Clear.''

''Clear.'' Nothing.

''Charging to 300. Clear.''

''Clear.'' The machine beeped and her vitals appeared again.

''Ok, let's get her up to CT and see what's going on in her chest.'' The nurse's wheeled her on up.

''Thank you Jordan.'' I spoke.

''No problem. You know her.'' She asked.

''Yeh. She was my med school professor, taught me nearly everything I know. Always said I'd be one of the greats.''

''We'll she's right there.'' I smiled in reply and we went our separate ways for now. 

I was then met with Topher coming down the hallway looking very concerned. He bent down by a bloody footprint with a small device in his hand. 

''Son of a-'' He whispered before walking behind the nurse's station.

''Toph, what's wrong.'' 

''Attention. This is Dr. Zia, ER chief. We've a lock down in the ER. Repeat the ER is on lock down.'' Topher spoke on the intercom.

''Topher what's wrong.'' I asked grabbing him and pulling him into the break room.

''We've got a man with radioactive chemicals in his leg. Paul's already infected and who knows how many more.'' He explained. I nodded in understanding.

''Okay. But now we're 2 doctors down. We can't let Drew and TC back in.'' 

''I know but we'll have to make do.'' He replied and left. We all gathered up trying to sort out this mess. We were getting calls about new patients. ER patients needing to go to the OR. It was crazy. Then to make things worse TC busted in the door with a patient.

''Incoming!'' He called.

'' Whoa! We're closed to trauma! Radiation exposure.'' Topher explained.

''We heard. We got two critical. This one's a cop. He'll never make it in time to County.'' TC replied.

''Jordan,  Trauma One with TC.'' Topher called.

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