Chapter 24

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The Times They Are A-Changing (Season 3)

6:55 pm

''Hey thought you weren't working tonight.'' I asked Topher as he, TC, Scott, and I were standing behind the nurse's station.''

''Yeh well it was easier than taking someone of the day shift to cover for Drew while he's in Afghanistan.'' Topher replied.

''You just don't wanna be around your mother.'' TC spoke up causing us all to laugh.

''The woman has been here a month you'd think she'd leave already. I'll take as many shifts as possible until she leaves.'' Topher told us. The phone rang as we all finished laughing and I picked it up.

''San Antonio Memorial Hospital. How can we help.'' I spoke into the phone. A lot of chatter and panic could be heard on the other side of the line. All I could make out was a car accident on Route 16. ''Okay we'll have someone there as soon as possible.''

''Tee, Toph, you're up. Nasty car accident on Route 16 chopper is outside.'' I told them as I hung up the phone.

''On it.'' Topher answered heading to grab the jackets and med bags.

''Be safe.'' I reminded TC before pecking his lips with mine.

''Aren't I always.'' He replied smiling then he took his gear from Topher and they ran out the door.

''Okay listen up everyone we've got a car accident, no idea how many casualties so we've got to be prepared. Molly get Jordan and the others in from outside quick.''

''You got it Kate.'' She said before rushing out to grab the others, including Shannon Rivera, our new intern.

With Topher being out in the field and Drew away in Afghanistan I'm the next in charge meaning everyone was coming to me with their problems and I was gonna explode. The sooner Drew's 154 days are over the better. I'd rather not be the most senior Doctor on the premise at all times.

''Kate, TC needs your help. Annie called in a patient.'' One of the nurse's said as the came into the room. Thank God. I hopped up and headed for the front doors to find Annie and TC.

''Katie.'' Annie called out when she seen me.

''Annie.'' I replied. This bitch is trying to act like my friend after she cleared out my fiancee and left then shows up a month ago and barely said anything to TC or me until now.


''Doctor Allister to the bay. That's Doctor Allister to the bay.'' I took off running from the OR after checking up on Paul. Once I arrived I was met with TC holding a jacket and two bags. He handed the jacket and a bag to me.

''What's going on.'' I asked as I slipped on the jacket on.

''I'll explain on the way. We've gotta go the chopper is outside.'' We both took off running out the door and into the chopper. The minute the door shut the chopper took off.

''So what's going on.'' I questioned.

''Remember the woman we brought in from the crash earlier.'' I nodded and he continued. ''She wasn't alone in that truck. She was on her way here with her four year old son.''

''Tee that was over 3 hours ago.'' I spoke.

''I know. Let's just hope we're not too late.''

''Let's go.'' The EMS guys shouted over the chopper blades sound as he opened the door.

''Can't believe I missed her kid.'' TC spoke as we jogged along.

''Everybody did. You were here for the mother. It's not your job to search the field looking for other patients.'' I told TC. ''Everybody spread out!''

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