Chapter 15

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Need to Know


You ever get that feeling that tonight is gonna be a crazy night. Yeh I've had that feeling since I woke up for work. I was walking down the hall towards the nurse's station when I was met by Drew, Topher, and TC rushing a patient down the hall. 

''Kate. Ruptured spleen. OR now.'' Tee spoke as the rushed to the elevator. I jumped in with them. 

''Annie.'' I asked looking at the woman on the bed for the first time.

''Yeh. We'd a few drinks last night and I found her at the bottom of the stairs.'' TC explained.

''Which OR is free.'' Topher asked.

''2. Let's go.'' We met Krista and Scott standing outside the ORs talking. I hit the button to open the door to OR 2.

''What's going on.'' Scott asked.

''Ruptured spleen, we got it.'' Tee replied.

''For the hundredth time, TC, you're not staffed as a surgeon at this hospital.'' Scott snapped as Annie was taken into the OR.

''Scott, Scott, it's his sister-in-law.'' Topher spoke up.

''Come on.'' Tee begged. Scott sighed.

''Well, if you really care about her, you'll let a surgeon handle it.'' Scott said.

''Let me take the lead. You're more than welcome to assist.'' I told Scott knowing TC would feel more comfortable if I was Annie's surgeon.

''It's the right call.'' Topher assured TC.

'' Hey, hey. Any sign of trouble, you call me, okay?''

'' Of course.'' I replied.

''Let's go.'' Scott spoke and we headed into the OR as the others left.


After we finished the surgery, we sent Annie straight to recovery and as far as I know TC hasn't left her side. I couldn't blame him. She's not only the only family he has left but he's the last piece of Thad beside photos and tapes he's got. 

I decided to go check on Annie post-op and see how TC was holding up. 

''Kate, I need a crash cart.'' I heard TC call from Annie's room. I grabbed the one in the hall and pushed it towards a nurse before running in joined by Scott.

''Is she bleeding again?'' I asked.

'' She was talking, she was fine.'' Tee replied. ''I got to re-intubate her.''

''Scott, hand me the laryngoscope.'' Tee spoke and he did. I quickly injected Narcan into Annie's system assuming she had taken drugs. As TC went to intubate her she started moving and pushing him away.

''Anesthesia cross-reacted with whatever narcotics she had in her system.'' I insisted.

''Damn it, if I'd have known that-'' Scott was cut off by TC answering me.

'' I swear we just had drinks last night.  Hey. You okay?''

'' What's happening? '' Annie asked.

''Just saving your ass once again.'' I replied.

''You're cute. What's your name?'' She questioned Scott.

'' Dr. Clemmens. You should you should sit back, try and relax, okay?'' Scott insisted. '' Give you some privacy.''

''Thanks.'' Tee replied. I went to follow Scott but turned to look at Tee.

''Call if you need me.'' I spoke before leaving. 

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