Chapter 28

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Get Busy Living

7:04 pm

The shift had just begun and I was liking the fact that all I've done is sit on the computer behind the nurse's station with Topher sat beside.

''I stopped the bleeding finally. You know, I almost lost two patients this week who wouldn't clot 'cause of that damn medication.'' Tee spoke as he walked out of Trauma 1. 

''Blood thinners?'' Topher asked as we both gave TC our attention.

'' Yeah, but not warfarin. It's like these these new ones that these drug companies market out to people before there's an antidote. Anyway, I sutured the laceration, so he should be ready for surgery now.'' TC continued.

''Okay, I already paged Scott.'' I told Tee.

''Okay.'' He replied then started to strip off his bloody scrub top. Topher laughed.

''Hey, what are you doing? You can't do that right here in the middle of the ER.'' Topher said.

''Aw, I just do it it to piss you off.'' TC smiled.

''Yeah, well, nobody wants to see that.''

''Speak for yourself, Topher.'' Molly spoke causing Tee to blow a kiss at her. ''Sorry Kate.''

''Have it Molly I don't wanna see that.'' I spoke smiling.

''Oh you love it.'' Tee told me and I winked back.

''Hey, it's the pros from Dover. You have a lacerated spleen in Trauma 1 ready for surgery.'' Topher spoke as Scott and Paul arrived. 

''Probably needs to come out.'' Tee added.

''All right. Paul, get him prepped in OR 1. I'm right behind you, and we'll go over the PowerPoint later.'' Scott instructed Paul.

''Yeah, I'm on it.'' Paul replied before heading into the room.

''Uh, Pow-PowerPoint?''

'' Yeah. I've been hounding the folks at Pressler Pharmaceuticals for months to get them to choose us for one of their studies. They've got this high-tech transcatheter valve gets patients in and out of the hospital - in, like, half the time.'' Scott explained. 

''So what's the holdup?'' Tee asked.

'' The holdup is they're only giving sample valves to four hospitals nationwide, which means that we all have to bend over and grab our ankles just to get a meeting.'' Scott told us as he bent over to grab his ankles. 

''Sounds like a hell of a meeting.'' An unfamiliar female voice spoke causing us all to turn around. ''Hi. Uh, you must be Dr. Clemmens. Jessica Sanders, Pressler rep.'' 

Tee, Topher and I laughed along with Scott. Scott then replied. ''Hi''

''Don't worry. I won't make you grab your ankles.'' Jessica told him.

'' Sorry about that. I thought you were coming tomorrow.'' 

''Yeah, change of plans. I gotta fly out to Denver tomorrow, so I decided to pop by tonight to check out your application.'' Jessica informed us.

''Yeah, um, well, I've gotta get up to surgery right now, but''

'' No worries. I'll be here when you're ready. Just hang out with with Dr. Zia, Dr. Allister and Dr- ''

''Callahan.'' Tee finished for her. 

''H-Have we met?'' I asked. 

''Don't think we have either.'' Topher spoke.

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