Chapter 35

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7:34 pm

"Topher don't take it personally, okay?" Jordan's voice spoke as I approached the nurse's station with a file in my hand left hand and a pen in my right. "Mollie's got three options from other ER's and all of the nurse's have options."

"I hear some of the doctors, too. How many do you have now?" Topher questioned Jordan as I slipped the file I got the holder.

"3, including Baltimore. Gwen wangs me to move back, but I'm not biting, okay? Neither is anyone else here. We all know we're never gonna find a work family like this again." Jordan explained as she stopped writing in the file she had in front of her.

"Needs a head CT. then choppers refuelling and on its way back for more patients. But looks like space is premium here." Shannon spoke as she walked in to the ER with a patient.

"We'll find room. Don't worry, the ER is not closing." Topher told everyone before walking away.

"Yeh it's all gonna be fine." Paul agreed.

"Yeh, for you, Scott and Kate. You're surgeons. Hobart isn't gonna drop you. The rest of us are SOL."

"Shannon. That's not fair." I argued back as I stood next to Paul.

"Yeh maybe for you. We all don't have 10 other options rolling in." She replied looking back. Before anyone cause say anything else a paramedic arrived with another patient to add to our list.

"Hey. Incoming, another patient." TC said as she walked towards the nurse's station putting his stethoscop around his neck.

"Trauma 4 is free." I called back as I sat at the computer behind the desk and typed away on the keyboard.


"Hey Scott. I-" I tried to speak to Scott as he walked past me in the hall but he just completely ignored me.

"What's his problem?" I questioned Kenny and Topher who were standing at the nurse's station.

"Anna and the missing Norco. He swears she didn't do it." Topher explained as I leaned against the counter beside Kenny.

"Hey, not to bug you guys, but any word on the new bidder?" Kenny asked looking between me and Topher.

"We're still waiting to hear. Keep your fingers crossed." Topher answered him.

"Everything's crossed. I'll catch you two later." Kenny spoke before running to catch up with Paul. I walked behind the desk and sat down at the computer to begin working on a post op form.

I half listened to Topher and Drew's conversation behind me about Mac wanting his medical review form signed. I continued to write on the page in front of me before slipping it into the tray behind me.

"Hello. Dr. Kate Allister. San Antonio Memorial." I spoke as I put the phone in between my shoulder and my ear as I began to sign some forms.

"Dr. Allister. You are exactly who I was looking for. My name is Matt Andrews and I'm from Hobart."

"Mr Andrews, unless yous the calling to tell me that my job, my hospital, my family and patients are all safe then you can just forget about it." I replied as I sat up straight in the chair.

"I'm afraid I can't guarantee that Dr Allister. But one thing I can guarantee is that you will have a job there."

"Well as flattered as I am-" I stopped speaking when I looked down at the pager on my hip. It had gone of twice in the last 5 seconds. "Listen. Right now, while I still have a job, I'm going to do it. I'm sorry. I have to go."

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