Chapter 36

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Recoil/ Of the Rails

8:15 pm

"Hey Kate, you finally see to your sense?" Julian asked as I walked into the ER. It was weird not being here every night. This was all I have know for the last 4 years.

"Not a chance. I'm here to clear out my office." I replied as I walked further into SAM.

"I've an offer for you. You're a great surgeon Kate. I've heard how many offers you've got, impressive. I wouldn't wanna lose you because of a silly squabble." Julian continued as I opened the door to my office and began to gather things up.

"No offense Julian, but this is a lot more than some grade school drama. This is life or death we're talking about. This hospital, every patient that walks through that door, it means something to all of us. To you, their just another number, another bank card to swipe." I spoke as I continued to pack things into a box. I could feel sadness rising in me as I packed photos of myself and my friend, my family, into the box.

"Your choice, Kate. But you and I both know that you are walking away from a great opportunity." Julian said before excusing himself and leaving me alone to clear out my office.

After lifting out 2 boxes to my car, I came back in to gather my hand bag, phone and double check for anything else I may have left behind.

When I walked into the empty room, I sat down at my computer and logged out of the system. I sighed as the new login page for the next user appeared on the screen in front of me.

I stood up from the computer chair before pushing it in. I then looked around one last time before heading out the door and locking it up.

"Hey, Kate." Scott's voice called from down the hall. "You back?"

"Nope. Just here to clear out my office and my things." I explained showing him the key in my hand.

"You know, you can still come back, Kate."

"I doubt you want me back. You have to be enjoying being the new Chief of Surgery. Without me here you can do whatever you want without having to go through me." I replied looking him dead in the eye.

"Kate, it's not like that and you know it. There's a position here for you if you want it." Scott spoke up before I turned to see Kenny, Paul, Jordan and Drew standing at the end of a the hall.

"Hey, I didn't know we were having a reunion." Scott said as he approached the 4 with me following behind him.

"There is an accident at Lone Star amusement park. They're asking for any and all first responders across the city." A new temp nurse from behind the station announced.

"Lone star?" Drew said as he took out his phone. "Rick and Bri are there with Armed Services tonight. I gotta go."

"Yeah count me." Paul agreed.

"I gotta stay here with Mac." Jordan spoke.

"I'll come too." I said following the two boys out.

"Don't you have a wedding to prepare for?" Jordan asked as I headed for the door to leave.

"Saving people is more important. If I don't see you before hand, I'll see you guys tomorrow." I spoke before turning back to then guys and out the door.


"What happened?" Drew questioned the firefighter who was explaining the situation with victims to us.

"Still happening. One of the coasters flew off the track, a second got stuck inverted." He replied pointing to the rollercoaster.

"Where do you need us?" I asked as we watched first responders heading up to get the people down.

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