Chapter 27

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7:01 pm

Tonight San Antonio was overrun with people on strike over the Steven Benedict case, the 45-year-old white male on trial for shooting an African-American man six months ago. That meant Topher wanted all hands on deck when the verdict came out. A TV was set up behind the nurse's station so we knew what was going. But turns out there was no verdict yet as Mr Bendedict had collapsed in court.

''All right, people, I have the D.A., the Chief of Police, and the Governor up my ass about this. Steven Benedict is coming to us. He's just a few minutes away. Jordan, he's yours. Get him medically cleared ASAP. Kenny, you help.'' Topher announced.

''I-I still got to change, man. Can I-'' Kenny argued.

''Kenny, we're short-staffed. I need my best people getting him worked up and back to jail. Please, get on it!'' Topher replied.

'' Fine. Thank you, Dr. Zia.'' Kenny called before heading down the hall to get changed into his scrubs.

''Hey.'' I called to Drew.

''Hmm?'' He answered.

'' Is Rick on duty tonight?''

'' Uh, no. He's training the Houston SWAT all week remember.'' He told me again.

''Oh yeh that's right.'' I remembered aloud.

''T.C.'s out there, though.'' Drew spoke.

''Of course. He was one of the first doctors to sign up for San Antonio SWAT.'' I replied.

''Only because I was in Afghanistan.'' Drew pointed out.

''Okay, you know what? You can put the measuring tape away. We all know you got a big one, too.'' I told Drew smiling.

''Feel free to say that louder.'' He said to me as I walked away laughing. Suddenly the phone rang and I picked it. It was the SWAT leader looking for me to go help TC. I headed to the locker room and grabbed field equipment for Paul and I.

''Hey Paul. Let's go. You're coming with me.'' I told him handing him his stuff. ''T.C.'s got two GSWs. One of them's a cop, the other one's a kid. They're both critical, and he can't get in. The streets are all blocked with protestors.''

''We-We're going out there?'' Paul asked as we headed out the front door and towards the ambulance.

'' Yeah. Let's go.'' I said as we hopped in and the ambulance headed downtown. The ambulance drive slowly through the protest as people banged on the windows. We could only go so far on wheels and for the rest the SWAT team had to escort us to TC. We grabbed our stuff and followed them.

''You guys okay.'' One of the SWAT team asked us.

''Yeh.'' We both replied.

''Hey, he's got a hot abdomen. Probably lost three or four liters in there.'' TC said pointing to a guy behind him.

''Let's get him down. I'll run a central line to transfuse.'' I spoke.

''Here's the blood.'' Paul said handing it to me. ''Take it easy. We're here to help, okay? I'm Paul.''

''I didn't do anything. Why is this happening?'' The guy asked as I cut his trouser leg open.

'' I don't know. But I need you to hang in there, all right?'' Paul was always good at soothing patients.

'' They just shot me. I was working. Why'd they shoot me?''

'' Paul! I need cricoid! His cords are way anterior!'' TC called.

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