Chapter 17

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7:30 pm 

''Hey Kenny, you got a minute?'' I asked as Topher, TC and I walked up to the nurse's station where Kenny was sat at the computer.

'' Yeah, sure, what's up?'' He spoke before lifting his head to find the 3 of us looking at him. ''Good talk, bad talk?''

'' You're you're not in trouble.'' Topher assured him as we laughed at his nervousness

''We all know you've been asking for more responsibility, and Topher could use some help running the shift, so he can see more patients.'' I explained.

''You're a hard worker and maybe you play too many practical jokes, but you have the respect of the staff, and everybody likes you.'' Topher assured him.

''Uh, I don't know about everybody.'' TC piped up from beside me.

''Except him. Anyway, we got the budget for a charge nurse position. So, if you want the gig'' Topher asked.

'' Are you kidding me? Yeah yeah, I want it.'' Kenny spoke excitidly.

''All right.''

''When when would I start?'' Kenny asked.

'' Uh, right now.'' Topher said as his eyes traveled to the door.

''Male, 50, single stab wound to the upper right arm. He's tachy to the 120s, but overall, vitals are stable.'' The paramedic explained as TC and Kenny followed him. ''Second gurney behind me.''

''What do we got.'' I asked as another paramedic wheeled in a screaming teenage girl.

''Female, 20 years old, laceration to the left cheek. She's delusional with auditory hallucinations.'' She explained.

''Okay, hold on, I'll look.'' Topher spoke and the girl kept shouting as squirming and then she went to bite Toph. ''No biting.  Push 5 of Haldol, I.V.'' We took her into Trauma 1.

''Can I help you, Officer?'' I asked the cop who walked in while we were treating the girl.

'' This girl attacked her Dad. She's out of her mind. She kicked me in the head when I was helping the medics.'' He explained.

''Okay, uh, Heather, can you get the officer an ice pack, please?'' I spoke.

'' Sure.'' She replied before leaving to get the ice pack.

''Thank you.''

''Is she under arrest?'' Topher questioned while still working.

'' Dad doesn't want to press charges, but it may not be his call. You think she's really nutso? '' The cop asked.

''Well, I'm not aware of "nutso" as a technical diagnosis, but she does seem to be experiencing some kind of psychosis.'' I assured him.

''People also like to fake crazy, so they go to the hospital instead of jail.'' He insisted. 

''Thanks for the hot tip, but she has legitimate injuries.'' Topher spoke. ''We'll let you know when she's done.''

''Fine by me.'' He replied and Heather handed him the ice-pack. ''Thanks. I got plenty of paperwork back at the station, but when I come back here, I'm either taking her to jail or the nuthouse.'' Then he left. 

 I finished up with the girl and headed to see Paul in pediatrics.

''Hello, everyone. I'm Dr. Allister. So, I understand that Marcus has cystic fibrosis.'' I spoke entering the room.

''We like to call it. 65 roses.  You know why?'' Marcus asked. 

''Uh, 'cause when it was first diagnosed, most kids couldn't pronounce it, so the nickname took off.'' Paul explained.

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