Chapter 25

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The Thing With Feathers

11:39 pm

Tonight so far a woman thrown from her car off a bridge onto a sign was brought. Then we realized her son was still out there after his father came in looking for them so TC and I went out and got him. Now he is up with Scott.

Molly handed me the young boy, Frankie's, lab results. His platelets and white blood cells are way down. I ran up the stairs to surgery and I found Tee standing outside or OR 1 with Francis, Frankie's dad. They parted ways as TC walked up to me.


''Hey. I just got Frankie's labs. His platelets and white blood cells are way down. Does Scott know? '' I asked gesturing into the OR.

'' It's doubtful. He's too busy putting him back together.'' TC replied.

''All right.''

''I just told Frankie's dad he was gonna make it.'' Tee whispered after he looked over his shoulder.

''What. Why'd you do that?'' I said harshly but quietly.

'' I don't know. It just kind of came out.'' He answered. ''I guess I'd better go help Scott.''

Tee kissed my cheek before taking off his field jacket and heading into the OR. Frankie's dad was stood just down from the OR entrance, his face filled with fear. I couldn't imagine how he was feeling. My pager went off pulling me out of my thought so I headed downstairs.

I reached the nurse's station where Molly was sitting. She nodded her head left and handed me a file. ''Man, 21, broken arm.'' I nodded and headed inside.

''Daniel Scott.'' I called.

''Here.'' A tall brown hair male called out.

''Follow me.'' I led him through the halls and up to radiology to take an x-ray.

''Okay Daniel we're pretty sure it's broken but we wanna know what bones.''

''Thanks Doc.'' I got him to lay down on the bed and positioned the machine over him. My pager went off again but this time it was TC.

''Call Topher down here and get him to oversee the x-ray. I've to go.'' I told Sam, the radiology guy. I left the room and headed back to the nurse's station.

''They stole him. '' Tee spoke as I approached him.

''What are you talking about.''

''Frankie's parents. They didn't adopt him, they took him from a mall in Austin.'' He explained.

''No way.'' I gasped.

''Chicago PD contacted the birth parents, Rick and Lisa Moran. They moved to Chicago last year, and the son's case went cold.'' Tee told me.

''Well, memories of their loss everywhere, who could blame them?'' I said shrugging my shoulders.

'' Yeah, they're on a plane right now from O'Hare.''

''That's three hours away. He won't make it that long.'' I told TC.

''Yeh so Scott's on the phone to a cryobank in Austin for fetal cord blood.'' TC explained.

''Good call.'' I smiled at him.

''Thanks.'' We high fived.

''Choppers in.'' Kenny told us as he walked in. The blood was straight of the chopper and Scott started the transfusion straight away. It wasn't long before his parents arrived and of course, wanted to see their son. Jordan, Topher and I waited outside the room as the reunion happened.

One of the nurses walked by me and handed me Daniel's discharge papers which I took before walking towards the front door where he was stood in a cast and sling. I signed off the papers before handing them to Molly.

''Take care.'' I spoke smiling.

''I will, thanks Doc.'' He replied before leaving.

''Topher and I are going for a run wanna come.'' Tee asked as he slipped his arm around my shoulder.

''I'll come and watch.'' I told him before pecking his lips. The guys went running at the local track and as they ran I sat on the hill beside it watching them. My phone rang interrupting the peaceful silence I was experiencing while watching my fiance and his best friend run. Drew's name appeared and I answered smiling.

''Hey Captain. How's war treating you.'' I asked him.

''Hey, not great. I'll be back stateside by Thursday actually.'' He replied.

''Wait this Thursday? What happened to the next 3 months.'' I spoke.

''Your not the only one who can get themselves sent home.'' He answered laughing slightly. ''I'll explain more when I get back. I love you Kate, see you soon.''

''Love you too Drew,'' The phone call ended like that. I can't believe he was gonna be home already, what the hell could he have done?

I whistled as TC and Topher ran by causing them to show off. Talk about making his head bigger than it already is. I smiled as the resumed their conversation and kept running.

Life's good right now. That's why you live in the moment cause you never know when things could be taken from you.

You guys probably hate me but I have had so much going on and I just completely forgot about writing.

I can't believe it has been nearly 2 months since I've uploaded and I'm sorry for that. It wasn't until I got to the last part of this chapter that I realized I had already written this chapter but it seemed to have disappeared.

Anyway, I'm back and updates should go back to normal.

Don't forget to like and comment any ideas, thoughts or even if you just wanna have a conversation about anything.

-ky x

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