Chapter 5

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Wild Wild Weather

I came running through the door of the ER absolutely drenched. The storm was getting pretty bad.

"Go for a swim Kate?" TC asked as he came round the corner.

"Ha ha very funny." I replied. But it reality I was late for a meeting with Ragosa, so I quickly got changed from my wet clothes and ran.

"Sorry I'm late." I spoke walking in, I went to walk to my seat to see Doctor Scott Clemmens -Jordan's boyfriend- sitting there.

"Scott" I asked.

"Hey Katelyn." He replied smiling.

"Good you to know each other, that should make this decision even easier for you Scott." Ragosa spoke.

"Decision, what decision" I asked. Scott went to answer but Ragosa cut in.

"Come on Doctor Allister, lets go show Doctor Clemmens here some of the fine things we offer at San Antonio Memorial." And with that we all got up and left. I was still very confused, I had mentioned to Ragosa about needing help with the surgical department and even dropped hints with Jordan about Scott but she said he was pretty happy in Dallas, so I was a bit confused as to what he was doing here.

After Ragosa showing off all the facilities available for surgeons here. We walked into Trauma 2.

"Imagine Doctor Katelyn Allister and Doctor Scott Clemmens, head of San Antonio Trauma Department. Has a nice ring to it." Ragosa cheered.

"Your gonna take the job here." I asked in disbelief. When I asked for help I wanted an assistant not someone who was gonna co-run the Trauma department with me. Ragosa didn't even say anything to me. The only good thing was that it was Scott and both of us got on pretty well, hopefully we don't clash in the decision making department if he takes the job.

"Eh Scott can you excuse us for a moment." I asked kindly.

"Yeh sure, I'm gonna go find Jordan." Scott replied before leaving. Oh so Jordan does know he is here.

"When did you plan to tell me that you wanted me to co-run the trauma department." I asked slightly angry. Don't get me wrong Scott's a great doctor, but I liked being the head of the trauma department by myself not sharing the decision making with someone else.

"Well to be honest Katelyn I don't even know if he is gonna take the job, he is just here to observe the night shift and see how things work here." He explained

"Yeh well you'd wanna tell him that until he's here for at least 2 weeks and sees how we do things here at SAM, I'm his boss, not the other way around." I said before leaving.

As I walked out I spotted Scott and Jordan talking.

"I hope you'll talk that boyfriend of yours into making a good decision Jordan." I said hopefully.

"Oh I'll try Kate." She promised. I winked and walked on down the hallway . I didn't even make it to the lift before I heard my name being called.

I ran up to the nurse's station.

"What's up."

"Accident at the trailer park, you ,TC and Drew are going ." Jordan explained. I nodded

"I can go." Scott suggested as TC and I took the medic bags from a nurse.''I've done search and rescue for five years. It's a good way to see this place.'' He finished taking of his jacket.

''I love this can-do attitude. Okay. Listen up, everybody. Dr. Clemmens hereby has privileges. Now get out of here.'' Ragosa spoke to the ER.

''Just follow our lead and don't get in our way.'' TC explained as we walked towards the door

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