Chapter 9

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Recovery//Season 2


Little catch up on what has happened in the last while. Topher had come back to work and is currently the new head of the ER night shift. Rick moved in with Drew and I, TC and I have been hanging out. We are meant to be getting a new surgeon and...... oh yeh TC got suspended. Exactly what this hospital needs at the minute. To be a doctor down.

Right now I'm treating a patient how hit his had and has a mild concussion from a football game.

''Wait 24-48 hours before resuming physical activity and you should be fine. But if you start getting dizzy or feel nausea come right back ok.'' I told him.

''Sure thing doc.'' He replied and I left satisfied that he understood me.

''Kate.'' Called a voice I hadn't heard in a while. Oh great something else to add to my list of complaints: Rigosa is back tonight.

''Hey.'' I turned around smiling the most fake smile I have ever smiled in my life.

''How are you.'' He asked. Over his shoulder I could see Topher and Drew having a good laugh at my suffering.

''Good thanks. Listen I gotta go but I'll talk to you later okay.'' As I walked by Toph and Drew I whispered. ''I hate you two.''

As I went to walk away I heard a very familiar voice.

''Hey I need a trauma room.'' T called. I turned to see TC come in carrying a boy maybe 11/12.

''Trauma 3.'' Topher pointed. I went and followed them into the room.

''Found this little guy in the wild, probably abandoned by a coyote, with an open tibia fracture, an infected leg wound, and severe dehydration. He's gotten 40cc per kilogram bolus through a sterile I.O. line. Oh, come on. Send off a C.B.C., a C.M.P., and get Ortho here ASAP. Here we go, here we go.'' T explained as he worked.

''Tee, I hate to break it to you-.'' Topher said.

''All right, I'll draw the blood.;'' T started.

''But technically you're still suspended.''

''Right. Sorry. Kenny, Dr.Zia is gonna ask you to start Ancef and Gent prophylaxis for the open fracture and the wound infection. TC told Kenny.

''Got it.'' Kenny replied

''Dr.Zia's also gonna tell you that Dr.Callahan, and I believe Dr. Allister will agree, although a brilliant doctor, has been a pain in his ass since the day they met.''

''Yeah, but you still love me, huh? '' T said making kissy noises to myself and Topher before leaving. Topher was then paged to Trauma 1. I was officially the only doctor in the room. I finished up with the boy and headed out. TC was walking through the bay with Topher so I walked over. Then Topher walked away after mentioning something about Rigosa finding out.

''So what are we hiding from Rigosa today.'' I asked smiling.

''What are we not hiding from him.'' T replied.

''It's good to see you T. I like it when you stop by.''

''Well, actually, I have to bring in a patient.'' He answered.

''Mm.'' I smiled.

''But I could go out and come back in and pretend like I came here to see you, if you like.'' I smiled again at how sweet he was being.

''Hey, T.C. What's up, man?''

'' Hey, Paul. Good to see you, man.''

''Yeah. So, working on the vets. Eh mum's the word on that one. Um, it's a bit busy, but I got it, so Cool.'' Paul explained.

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