Chapter 39

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After an already eventful trip home for myself, Drew and Rick we were now stuck on a plane ride back to San Antonio with our mom and it was a long flight.

"Is there a doctor on board? If there is a doctor on board could they please press the call button above their seat." The voice of a flight attendant came across the speaker.

"That's you two. You can help. You're doctors." Mom reminded myself and Drew as she held her drink in her hand.

"I'm sure there is another doctor on board. Let them help." Drew assured mom as we sat back in our seats.

"Excuse me. My children are doctors." Mom called out to the flight attendant before looking back at us. "Go help."

"Come on." I sighed before unbuckling my seat belt and standing up followed by Drew as the flight attendant lead us to the back of the plane.

After meeting with the sick man who was vomiting into a air sick bag, we simply diagnosed him with food poisoning after he explained what he had been doing today.

"Excuse me doctors." The flights attendant spoke as she approached us again. "This man is not the only sick passenger on board."

Drew and I turned around and looked back into the cabin to see several people vomiting into air sick bags, queuing up to use the bathroom or pressing their call buttons looking for help.

I looked over at Drew after examining the area and saw he had the same look on his face that I did on mine.

"Let's do this." I spoke as we each grabbed a piece of paper and pen before starting to talking to several passengers.

"Hey, are you two okay?" Rick asked approaching us. "What is this?"

"Acute gastro of some kind." Drew explained in reply to his husband.

"Like the cruise ship bug" Rick wondered.

"We don't know. There's no common thread. There's not food, not travel." I spoke as I continued to write on the paper in my hand as people passed us by.

"Do you think it's airborne?" Rick questioned looking between us two.

"If it is, we're all in trouble." Drew replied before handing him the paper he had full of medicine names. "Here, try to find as many of these meds as you can."

"These are the last of the air sick bags." The flight attendant spoke as she approached us once again as Rick left in search of meds. "We're six deep in the lavatories and the man in 14A says he can't see."

"Okay." I told her as she left and we turned to look for the man.

"Andrew, Katelyn. The man sitting behind me says he feels like his teeth are falling out." Mom spoke as she came up to us. "And his wife is scratching so hard her skin is bleeding, what's going on?"


I stood in front of a man helping him out when I was approached by a male flight attendant saying that the Rangers fan, the first person that was sick earlier, wasn't breathing.

"Okay." I walked down the plane and passed Drew helping a pregnant woman. "Drew I need you."

"Okay. Meghan, I'm coming right back." Drew told the women he was with before following me down the plane.

"Help me lay him down." I said to Drew as we arrived with the man who told me about him. "When was the last time you saw him move?"

"10/15 minutes ago. I was watching him like you said. I thought he was asleep." The male flight attendant explained. Drew leant over and listened for the sound of breaths coming from his mouth.

In Kate We Trust// The Night ShiftOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora