Chapter 34

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Trust Issues


"Hey Kate. I need your help." Jessica spoke as I walked towards the nurse's station with a chart in my hand.

"Yeh well you can shove it. And get out of this hospital too, your company doesn't have it yet." I replied as I slipped in beside Molly at the desk and put the chart down while I continued to write on it.

"Right. Okay." Jessica said before sighing as she headed for the door.

"You go girl." Molly told me as I closed the chart.

"I don't have time for people who wanna screw over my job, my patients and my friends." I informed her before slipping the chart into the tray.

"Kate, hey, heads up. They got a match for Brianna. Lungs are on the way." Paul spoke after he came out of Trauma 1.

"That's great." I replied as Scott headed up to prep the OR.

"Kate. Where's Drew?" Kenny asked after Brianna's social worker, Nina, headed up to her room.

"He's not here yet? He and TC went out to watch the game at the bar." I explained as I stood in front of the nurse.

"I'm gonna keep trying him." Kenny told me before he walked away.

"Okay. Let me know." I called after him and Paul left too.


"Dr. Clemmens. The transplant team will be ready for you in 15 minutes." Moly's voice called as I stepped out of my office. I could see he was talking to Jordan.

"Okay. Anybody hear from Drew?" Scott asked in reply.

"No and we can't find TC either." Molly replied as she got closer to them and so did I. "Kenny sent the paramedics over to TC's place, just in case. No one was there."

"Okay. I will call some of his motorcycle buddies to see if we can find him. Let's hope he just lost track of time." I told everyone as I walked towards the nurse's station and pulled out my phone.

I sat down and began to scroll through my contacts and called Tee's friends. This really wasn't like him to not show up to work. Or Drew either. Drew has never missed a shift before in his life.

After either getting no response or hearing that they haven't seen TC, I leaned back in the chair and sighed. This definitely wasn't good.

I tried Drew's phone from both my own cell phone and the hospital phone and both times it went to voice mail.

"Hey Drew. It's me again. Listen I don't know what's going on but Brianna's lungs are here." I spoke down the phone as the transplant team walked in the door with Scott. "So whether you like it or not. This transplant is happing with or without. And we both now which Brianna wants."

The beep at the end cut me off before I could say any more. Scott took the team up to the OR before going to see Brianna and get her ready.

After trying both the guys once more and getting no reply I headed up to the OR to see if they had started yet. After finding no one there I headed for Brianna's room and found everyone there.

"Hey. What's going on?" I asked as I entered the room.

"Brianna doesn't wanna to this without Drew." Kenny whispered to me. I sighed for what felt like the millionth time that night. I watched as Paul calmed Brianna down.

He then looked down at this phone and spoke again.

"Hey Brianna, they found Drew. He says that he loves you and he's gonna be here when you wake up." I moved my head slightly to see Paul looking at a blank screen. "All right?"

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