Chapter 4

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I didn't expect so many reads straight away so thank you to all the readers.

Grace Under Fire

The shift hadn't even officially started yet and the ER was crazy.

''Night shift, report to duty in one minute.'' came over the intercom

''How long does this go on?'' Krista asked.

'' All night.'' TC replied.

''They just keep trickling in.'' I spoke.

''Every year these Alamo reenactors drink too much homemade beer. And eat too much rabbit stew.'' Topher said. Then a man got sick in the middle of the floor ''Ohh! Mop-up on aisle 3.''

''What do we got'' TC asked as him, me and Kenny walked in after Jordan who was wheeling in a patient.

''Musket wound. 1830s Alamo special.'' Jordan explained

''Stop it! Stop it! '' The patient shouted as we lifted him from the gurney to the bed.

''And one very agitated patient.'' I spoke.

''Don't touch me!'' He shouted trying to get up.

'' Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down! Calm down! We're trying to help you! Calm down! '' TC said as we grabbed him.

'' Stop it! I don't no!'' He was flinging his arms around trying to get up

'' We're trying to help! Get me 2 of ativan I.M.and somebody page Dr. De La Cruz! - We're trying to help you.'' Jordan explained

''Get get off me!'' But he just kept shouting.

'' Jordan ready with the ativan.'' I told her.

''Got it.''

'' You're trying to kill me!''

'' Somebody grab the hard restraints, yeah?'' TC yelled. Thank god the injection knocked him out.

'' Hell of a night for Drew to be off on maneuvers.'' Kenny spoke and all 4 of us laughed.''We could use the muscle. Yeah. Be good to have him back tomorrow.''

Then my pager went off.

''Guys I gotta go I'm sorry.'' I explained.

''No sweat, do what ya gotta do.'' Jordan spoke.

''We got this.'' TC said and then winked. Him and his over confidant ego. I quickly made my way to trauma 3

''Ok fill me in.'' I said while scrubbing in.

''32 year old woman, mountain bike accident, apparently, herself and her husband had an argument and she took her son's bike but didn't know how to work the thing and crashed straight into a tree. Her arms in a pretty bad way.'' Heather told me

''Damn, ok lets go.'' As I walked in her arm was bent in an impossible way, which caused me to wince. She was knocked out and thanks god cause this was really going to hurt.

''Ok, looks like just a double dislocation of the elbow, once I pop it back into place push up her input of morphine cause she is gonna be in serious pain. Ok lets do this.''

I took her arm in my hand and counted.

''1,2'' Crack. ''Ok, one more.''

''1,2.'' Push. Pop

''Ok get her head stitched up and send her to recovery'' I informed Heather, the nurse, before leaving.

I decided to go to the tailgate to have a coffee. As I walked towards the truck to get my coffee I saw Landry and Jordan talking. I gave Topher a look and he just shrugged his shoulders in response, well he was just full of information wasn't he.

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