Chapter 29

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Hot in the City

''102.'' I read the temperature of my phone as TC and I walked into work. ''The thought of spending 12 hours in scrubs.'' Before he could answer Scott walked by.

''Hey Kate. How's it going, T.C.'' Scott asked seeming happier than ever.

''Good. You?'' Tee replied looking at me with a confused face.

'' Oh, never better.''

'' What's going on with the whistling?'' Topher asked as Scott disappeared down the hall whistling.

'' Looks like someone's getting a little somethin' somethin' in the bedroom.'' Drew spoke as Tee and I stopped beside the pair.

''Hmm.'' TC murmured and I hit him for it. ''That obvious, huh?''

'' Talking about Scott, but thanks for the update. Now we know what you've been up to. With my sister.'' Drew replied making a face of disgust at the last part. 

''Female, 30. Collapsed during a marathon. BP's 90 over palp. Pulse is tachy and irregular. Temp's 102.'' Sam, one of the paramedics, and Jordan's new boyfriend spoke as he wheeled in a woman.

''Sounds like heat stroke.'' TC replied as he joined Sam. ''Trauma 1.'' 

Before more patients came I headed to get changed in my scrubs. When I came back out Shannon was wheeling in a patient with the paramedics and Drew joined her. Jordan then came in and went to get changed. 

I stood at the nurses' station filling out post-op forms when suddenly a bad noise came from the ceiling. I joined Jordan and was followed by Topher.

''Did the AC just-'' Topher said.

''yep.'' I answered.

''Son of a bitch.'' 

''I just want on the record, I had the night off.'' Jordan spoke before leaving. 


''Doctor Kate Alister OR2. Doctor Kate Alister OR2.'' I made my way upstairs after hearing the intercom. I walked into the wash room to find Drew, Topher and Scott. 

''What's going on.'' I asked looking at the 3 guys.

''I need approval,'' Drew spoke.

''Excuse me.'' I replied looking at my brother.

''Drew wants us to perform spinal surgery.'' Scott filled me in.

''Drew that's really-''

''If we don't she's going to end up paralyzed Kate.'' Drew told me as he pointed to the girl on the bed in the OR. ''She's 21 Kate, if we don't at least try she could spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. 

''Fine, do the surgery. Drew's in charge. And if for one second you think something is wrong, page me.'' I instructed the guys before the headed into the OR leaving Topher and I. 

''You think it's the right thing to do?'' Topher asked looking at me.

''I don't know. It's a fifty-fifty chance. This goes right, she walks. If no, well.'' I made a face at him. ''I'll be back soon to check up.''

The ER was full of heatstroke patients and then the guys from the wrestling match. As I finished up with a patient Heather, one of the nurse, arrived. 

''Dr Alister, you're needed in OR 1.'' 

''Thanks Heather.'' I replied before making my way to the elevator.

''Hey it's the guy from the wrestling match, he's got abdominal bleeding. Paul needs you.'' Jordan spoke as I walked by her.

''I got this. Don't worry.'' I arrived in the OR floor and quickly cleaned up and scrubbed in with Paul. 

The surgery was going well. I just removed the cyst before Jordan entered. 

''How's Victor's surgery going?'' She asked.

'' We're almost done here. Repaired the lacerated liver and removed the cyst.'' I replied before the monitor started rapidly beeping.

'' Blood pressure's down to 72 systolic.'' Paul spoke.

'' He must be bleeding somewhere.'' I told him before I began to look.

'' The field looks dry.''

''Did you check behind the liver?'' Jordan asked.

'' Yes. I did already.'' I answered as I continued. 

''He's down to 58, guys.'' Paul spoke.

''We're gonna lose him.'' Jordan told me.

''We're not losing anybody.'' I assured her.

''Crit is stable.'' Paul read.

''So he's not bleeding.'' I pointed out.

''Levophed is maxed out. It's not working.'' Jordan spoke.

''Maybe he's septic?''

'' No, white count and temperature are normal.'' Jordan recalled.

''Could be an adrenal issue. Let's put the films back up.'' I spoke.

''Okay, hold on a second. Um All right, he was traveling in Mexico for about a month. And his cousin said he was eating pork like it was going out of style. Parasites?'' Jordan asked.

'' Hand me the specimen container with the cyst.'' I inspected the cyst before finding what I was looking for. ''Look at those suckers. Unbelievable.''

''He's in anaphylactic shock from the parasites pouring into his abdomen.''

''He's crashing.'' Paul said as I handed the container back to a nurse.

''We gotta stop this reaction. We gotta irrigate.'' I told the guys.

''Hand me an epi now'' Jordan ordered. She injected the meds and his BP rose. 

''That was close.'' 

''Almost too close. You good to close up Paul?'' I asked.

''Yep.'' I headed out and left Paul to do his job. I stripped off the protective gear and gloves and disposed of them in the garbage bin. I washed my hands before heading downstairs. 

The shift was over which was good and just as it ended the AC came back on. Everyone cheered. I headed into the locker room to change back into my own clothes. 

''Nice save on the spine surgery.'' I spoke to Drew as I approached him.

''Hey this family can have more than one surgeon.'' He replied smiled.

''Get back into your box.'' I told him as we both laughed. Idiot. I thought as I smiled while walking to the front door. 

Sorry for the lack of updates. Hope you enjoyed this.

-ky x

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